How to live truly fulfilling life

How to live truly fulfilling life

Today’s article is about fulfilling life. I ask my clients this question often

What it would be like to live full and rich life?

And some of my clients struggle to answer, maybe you too struggle because of your conditioning and expectations of society and others in your life.

Your authentic self already knows but you need to remove the lies you have been taught how you should live, what you must do, you need to connect to your heart desires to your authentic self.

Your authentic self – is the Devine inside of you the force that gives live to your mind and your body!!

Pose and ask what is my vision of really fulfilling life?

For me fulfilling life is life of meaning, purpose, freedom, love and satisfaction. Fulfilling life is living in congruence with my highest values which are Love, Freedom, Health, Learning, Development and Teaching and I say NO to anything or anyone if it is not aligned with my values if it is not inspiring to me. ?

This is why my life is fulfilling. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have challenges. I do maybe more than those who is reading this article, but they are fulfilling challenges, because I have?a vision, I create my life how I want, I’m FREE ?? and I know how to master my emotions so I control them , they don’t control me in the most difficult and challenging situations life brings.?

I know how to move from High Beta reactive “Fight or Flight “brain waves to Gamma and operate in Gamma brain waves where everything is effortless.

The world we live in has been designed to put people into boxes. Pressures at work are designed to get only short terms results and quickly move to the next thing. No time for thinking, exploration and fulfilling life so they can control you ??

Choosing to create fulfilling life is almost certain to upset the status quo!!

And it comes down to fear, you may not even be aware that you are fearful, but if you are not making changes, it is nothing more than fear of being rejected by society

There are three main types of fear:

Fear of rejection

Fear of success

Fear of failure

Remember it is the Intelligence, wisdom that keeps you safe not your FEAR.

You can overcome any type of fear if you connect to your HEART. Heart doesn’t know fear it only knows LOVE, JOY, INSPARATION, WORTHINESS AND ENOUGHNESS.

So then fulfilling life is a journey of creation. It is effortless when you play in harmony with the laws of Universe, you will be in flow when you connect to your authentic self.

Fulfillment exist when life is difficult, uncomfortable and challenging. It is about being fully alive when you wake up, expressing your true self doing what you love without the masks.

Your values are the quality of life that are lived from inside out not outside in.

From birth we are taught the wrong way to live from outside in. And then all life majority of people think if they are going to get this house, or that car, or that job title it will make them feel happy and safe.

We can call this condition or domestication. So, you are controlled by other people and circumstances how you feel and live your life ??

?I want to do this little exercise with you write 5 responses for each

1.I can only be happy, content, ok (whatever you want to choose for yourself) If………….

2.I can only be happy when……..

3.I can only be happy until……..

4.I can only be happy unless…..

?Now ask yourself looking at your answers would you sing this agreement if someone told you that you can be only happy if, when, until, unless …

Would you sign it?

Probably not! but 90% of people signing this agreement not even knowing they are doing it, because it is unconscious conditioning ??

When you have a wild idea in your mind thought becomes experience in your brain, the stronger the emotion you feel from that vision more attention you are going to pay to the picture in your mind and now you are remembering your future instead of rehearsing 24/7 your past.

Majority of people reaffirm their emotional state based on their past experiences. Making someone else wrong and trying to prove they are right! Nothing wrong with that but it is very limited way of living, and it is not fulfilling life it is life of Victim and Judge, unbalanced perception.

When you slow your brain waves down from Hight Beta to Alpha and Theta you access your autonomic nervous system, now you can start changing your life!

So why positive thinking only is not working?

Just imagine if positive thinking would work then those who has cancer or other illness would just say “I’m healthy” and they would heal, those who is struggling financially would just say “I’m Wealthy” and they would see 1million appear on their bank account.

Here is the catch ??

Your thought is not consistent with the emotion your body experiencing.

For example

Thought “I’m wealthy” “ I’m Worthy” “ I’m healthy”

Emotion you feel in your heart and simultaneously in your body because hormones that heart is producing are in your blood stream and every organ, so emotion you feel is resentment, unworthiness, not enough.

So, the thought “I’m Wealthy, I’m Worthy, I’m healthy” carrying different set of emotions and is not going to pass through the brain stem because it is inconsistent with the emotions of resentment, of lack, unworthiness, guilt you are experiencing in your heart and body. This is science and we have brain scans that prove that.

You need to know how to self-regulate your emotions, not to ignore what you don’t want to feel because it is uncomfortable but feel what needs to be felt, let it go, and then you can choose to connect to your vision , to your heart purpose.


To wrap it up

You need to fill your cup first and take daily care of your spirit. That Spirit that makes your heart beat every day ??, if you can’t take care of yourself because you think it is selfish then your cup will be empty, and you won’t be able to give love and care to others. You will be like walking zombie. I was at that place few years ago, would never ever go back ??

?So, now you see why you are not living fulfilling life, and what fulfilling life is. There is a lot of information on this topic you already know what to do, but now you need to know HOW and then do it.

If you want to know HOW book FREE call with me, this is what I do in my?1:1 coaching I go deep and in three month you will leave with clear vision for your future and new neurons grown in your brain to create fulfilling life, first time in your life you will ?truly feel Enough! ??

If you are stuck on money or time, like most people do then ask yourself this question

If I knew it wasn’t question of money or time but about persistence, what would I do to create what I want?

Dr Charles Lee

Plastic Surgeon ? Host of the HEARTtalk Podcast ? Introducing MindFLOW Ergonomics, an ecosystem of seven C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E. ergonomic zones of mindful responses to help make sense of life's choices for excellence and joy.

1 年

Julie Perret Yes Julie. It is the Abundant Life that fulfills. Thank you for these thoughts...took me a lifetime of work to realize this! By the way, best wishes with Christene! She is so refreshing as always!

Christene Loweth

RESILIENCE COACH | Speaker | Podcaster | Working Worldwide | Aromatherapist | Empowering people to overcome trauma, build resilience, and thrive in life.

1 年

If there are people in Lower Hutt or Wellington, Julie and I will be giving a talk on 20th December, so come along


