How to live a life that you love... NOW!

How to live a life that you love... NOW!

I got 2nd place in a pool tournament for a children's charity today. It's extra fun because in one moment of life Pool was one of my favorite hobbies and then for some reason I stopped playing all together... When I stopped drinking alcohol it was more challenging to be in environments where I used to drink... Now however I feel invincible again and it's all because.... ?? ??

I look at everything as a CHOICE...

Even habits and addictions are CHOICE once we know we have them...

Even believing that you have no choice is a CHOICE!

I haven't always made perfect choices. Even in all of the matches that I played today I made mistakes. Part of life is making mistakes and then making new choices the next time. Even then you might get unlucky with the way the ball rolls for you. But as long as you don't take score too soon, you can always see a new angle or make an amazing shot.

So today I invite you to go easy on yourself for the choices you've made until now. There is a whole new reality waiting for you if you are just willing to make a new CHOICE today. Sometimes people who really want to see a change in their lives will hire someone to work with them to hold them accountable to their new choice. These people that you hire are sometimes called Coach, Guide, Accountability Partner, Wayshower, and other names.

I've been all of these things for people and I've got to tell you that it's not the easiest job in the world. Supporting others in achieving what they say they want with their words but haven't been able to change their actions and being to line up with what they are saying they want to see. It takes a lot of:

  1. Emotional Awareness - someone who has gone deep with themselves so that they know what it's like. The truth is that you can't really take someone else somewhere that you have never been.
  2. Willingness to be "the bad guy". Sometimes it's not easy for people to hear what they need to change in order to achieve the new reality that they say they want.
  3. Willingness to charge people. I've found that doing certain accountability things on a donation basis doesn't work. Generally people need to pay at least as much as their mortgage before they truly commit to the changes that they say that they want.
  4. Someone who is compassionate - It's someone who has walked the path that you are on so many times and they love it so much that they are happy to support you on your walk.
  5. Love - in this context when I love I am talking about someone who chooses to see the best in you with perfect love and perfect trust.
  6. Lastly, You want someone who can adapt to your style and home frequency.

If you are still reading this and feel like there is a change that you want to make for yourself in your life and you recognize that you want an accountability partner and guide on the journey. Then reach out to me in the Dm's. Let's get to know each other and see if we are a good fit.

By the way my pool game is as good now as it ever was! You never really "start over" with anything. Because everything is vibration you just pick up where you last left that vibration. Bye for now! Neil

#coaching #lifecoach #guide #accountability #change #happiness


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