How to Live B.O.L.D!
Andre Young
Leadership & Work/Life Harmony Speaker, Author, Leadership Trainer, & Founder of You Evolving Now, LLC
BOLD… what an amazing word! Seeing and even saying the word makes it almost regal; as you respect someone that is BOLD, lives BOLD, and willing to accept the consequences of their BOLDNESS; either positive or negative. Years ago, I did my own 7 Ways to Love Homework, and wrote a list of 25 things I love about my wife. I placed it somewhere she’d find it. To my surprise, days later, I saw a hand-designed card on my desk. It was a list of 25 things she loved about me. I can’t remember all of the wonderful things she described… but I distinctly remember one word… “Bold”. I remember feeling so proud she saw me a “Bold”; as for me it represents strength, determination, conviction, and honor… and contrary to many opinions… Bold doesn’t have to mean or be disrespectful. It simply means doing, saying, or standing up for your beliefs in spite of popular or more powerful opinions. So, how can you live a more BOLD lifestyle in your 4 P’s: as a Person, a Partner, Parent, and Professional?
B. – Be Brave! We all have our own bravery meter. You don’t have to be as brave as anyone else, but your life will EVOLVE as you begin to take a bit more, or a lot more action than you are typically comfortable with. Many of us prefer not to rock the boat in our lives, our relationships, our jobs. It’s amazing what we can allow ourselves to be come comfortable with! Bravery may mean saying something different or being willing to do something different for the purpose of evolution. Remember… if you are the one that wants more or different; you will have to be the one that does more or different. Your bravery may not always make things your definition of “Better”… but different will ensue; either in the relationships or in you. When different, change, and EVOLUTION begin to stir in you… what will you learn from it and bravely take with you as you enter into your new future?
O. – Optimistic! There is no point in choosing to live Boldly if you’re going to miserable the entire time! Be optimistic about changes and EVOLUTION. Everything has a negative and positive. As you live B.O.L.D., change will occur… and I have learned to live in my positives and manage my negatives.
What are the positives of your current and upcoming life-situations? Awesome… let’s intentionally enjoy them! What are the negatives? Ok… which negatives can we control? Which are out of your control? What’s the plan for those you can control? Now… stop worrying about the things you can’t and have faith in your actions, intent, and willingness to EVOLVE and change as necessary. Done!
L. – Live above the BS! This is huge… and what will make you truly BOLD and not like the others! Being B.O.L.D. isn’t just about saying what you want, when you want, and how you want. It’s also about our self-control and being capable of knowing when and how to react.
As you live B.O.L.D.… not everyone will be ready for or enjoy your change. Your friends, partner, kids, boss, employees… may not like it or be ready for it, but it’s here… so what to do?
We can discuss our changes and what we’d like or need. Not in an entitled sense of what we feel we deserve (that’s a bully word), but rather out of our growth and desire to expand. Discuss what you’d like to do different, why, and discuss a plan and willingness you have to take the step. It’s great if your partner, kids, job, etc. are willing to change and EVOLVE with you… but, it’s not always likely that other will change and be ready for growth on our timeline. YOU be the change and remain positive while doing it!
Finally, understand restraint. As others are not ready for or enjoy your change… they may have hurtful things to say and do. Every action DOES NOT require an equal reaction! After explaining yourself time and time again… sometimes the best thing is to offer acceptance. WE accept them for being how they are, where they are, and what they currently know. At this point, we must intentionally add the type of people, places, and things in our life that match our EVOLTUON so we are full and not drowning in our old lives and self. People, relationships, and jobs change at different rates… perhaps one day, their change will allow you to cross paths again with no hard feelings… and that may be difficult if you parted ways looking down on them!
Note: We are all human and at times our emotions will win. In those moments… allow your message to be correct; so you will have to apologize for how you said something… not that you said something.
D. – Determined! There is no B.O.L.D. living without determination! Be determined to live your ideal and best lifestyle in your 4 P’s as a Person, a Partner, a Parent, and Professional! What’s the alternative… misery, drowning, and droning in the one and only life you get to live? What’s your desired lifestyle in your 4 P’s? Write it down to make it more real… do you know your partner’s answer, your kid’s, your friend’s, boss’, employees’, etc.? Tip: Marry what you want with what they need most from you. Is what they need for you reasonable, doable, and fair? Marry your want and their need until it pushes you a tiny bit past your comfort zone… and welcome to your new BOLD and EVOLVED life!
Enjoy your EVOLUTION and download my app, YEN Push, to your iPhone… remember to allow notifications for my daily life-enrichment! Become a Member of You Evolving Now today with all of my Personal Growth, Relationship Growth, and Lifestyle Enhancement Packages today at