How to live a blissful life?
Let go of:
1. A pessimistic attitude
Think of it like this.?
If you think it’s going to rain, it usually does. So why not start to be grateful that behind that rain lies a rainbow.?
2. Resistance to change
Embrace change.? It’s when things begin to change that our negative thinking can take hold.
The main reason we resist is because we’re afraid of the unknown.
3. Unwillingness to tolerate uncomfortable feelings
You discover that you can choose your mood every day, regardless of experiences,? just like you choose what outfit to wear.
Don’t ever hesitate to give yourself the chance for spiritual growth.
4. Leaving things undone
Try and remember that feeling of lightness and relief once you buckle down and get those tasks done.
And use this feeling as a means to beat off the procrastination urge, the next time it hits.
5.? Expecting to find happiness outside of yourself.
Immerse yourself in something positive each morning and evening. Meditate, talk to encouraging people. Give something to others .
It’s amazing how once your focus is on great things, great experiences happen for you.
6. Assuming other people are better than you.
Sometimes in this distracting world we live in, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that the people you assume are better than you, think someone else is better than them.
Don’t be fooled by outer experiences.
7. Using past experiences as a deterrent
Remember life doesn’t demand that you be perfect, it simply expects you to show up here and now, not lugging around the baggage of the past.
Old habits often show up when you’ve committed to change. Don’t let them get in your way.
8. Ignoring problems.
The very things we need to face are the very things that make us stronger.
Problems won’t simply go away, they won’t dissolve into the past, they are carried forward into your future, bigger and stronger than ever .
9. Being Master of the Universe .
Just don’t try and control how it happens…you’re merely getting in the way of the real Master of the Universe.
Letting go of habits that don’t serve you makes it an awful lot easier to get out there, and have life happen the way you want it to.