How to live after being saved

How to live after being saved

How to live after being saved 

The Special Seed daily devotion:  29 March 2016 

Many ask “Now that I have received salvation, now that I have been freed from my sins, now that I am truly born again how should I live my life as a new creation of God?, many that ask this question they also tend to ask the second question; what if I commit sin after being born again?. I would like to add a few thoughts from a purely biblical perspective which will give you a fruitful spiritual life leading to joy and happiness in your life.  Hebrews 10:10 “And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all”, it is clear from this scripture that we have been sanctified or made holy once and for all, meaning  sins of the future are already taken away as well. So rather than saying sorry, we say, “God – we are very thankful, we can see that although we are sinners, still God cleansed us”. But the next question that follows is, “Then in that case, people can just sin willfully, is that so?“ quoting Hebrews 10:26 and my answer is in that case such people did not really receive salvation in the first place. The first thing that we need to understand is our true image as humans, every Christian in the world wrestles with sin every single day of his or her life. Even the apostle Paul complained, "The good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice" (Romans 7:20). Our battle even after receiving salvation is our thoughts versus the Word of God, remember Satan still tries to take us to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but the good news now we are in the Spirit where Satan has no power, his power works in the flesh.

None of us is conformed to the image of Christ overnight, and this becomes a moment-by-moment challenge. It's a process that will not be complete until we leave this world and see the Lord face to face. In the meantime, our assignment is to trust and have faith on God and keep on "walking in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16), as we walk in the Spirit works of the flesh die gradually. Romans 8:10 has a great promise for us: “But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness” If we are saved, it means spiritually we are married to Jesus. So if Jesus dislikes sinning and so we dislike sinning as well. No matter who we are, if we can receive the word into our hearts, we will by faith automatically see change. Theoretically we know the word, but it does not go down to the heart. After receiving salvation, we will live like Jesus. Our effort must not be involved. We must not try to change on our own – otherwise, we will only fail. Do not try to change yourself but only accept the word of God into your heart by faith. If you accept the word into your heart, then you will see yourself changing. Just like a woman who receives the seed of the man,  her physical form and hormones change, we will also change when we receive the word of God. The same way we receive salvation, should be the same way we approach our life after salvation, we received salvation by Grace not by our good deeds because in us there are no good deeds, we have been made holy by the holiness of Jesus Christ not ours, therefore it is spiritual misalignment to say after receiving salvation one must try to be good on his efforts, it continues to be responsibility of Jesus to keep us holy, on our own we can’t change, from Genesis to Revelation no one became good or holy on their own efforts. In the Bible People like Abraham, King David and others were righteous men  of God but didn’t they commit sin?, they did:, God said David was a man of His own heart in Acts 13:22 and we know Abraham was our father of faith, what they went through proves our filthy image as humans, what separated these men from others was the grace of God, and the fact that they realized their sinful nature, repented from their sinful nature inherited from Adam by giving up on themselves or denying themselves and God saved them, and there after they forsook their thoughts and followed the Word of God. Our flesh must die daily to have a fruitful spiritual life- For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:25). Romans 11:32 makes it clear that we only need God’s mercy -“For God has imprisoned everyone in disobedience so he could have mercy on everyone”, Friends even after receiving salvation we need to surrender all to God, not try to be good on our own, the main actor is Jesus Christ not us, as for us we must take rest and let Jesus Christ lead our life,  so to say we have a role  not to sin is not true spiritual life, that’s why in the first place we could not save ourselves from sin, but Christ demonstrated his compassion, grace, mercy and love and freed us from sin, we cannot be saviors of our own sin, your number one need as a Christian is the enduring mercy of God;-“?No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8) . Currency of the Kingdom of God is FAITH. Friends It is God’s mercy that will takes us to paradise not our good deeds because in us there is no good, remember the thief on the Cross with Jesus Christ on Luke 23:43, the thief accepted the free gift of salvation by faith, it was Christ mercy that saved him and led him to eternity, not him living right by his efforts, his role was to give up on himself and received God’s Word in His heart by faith.   Coming back to the question of Hebrews 10:26 “Can I lose my salvation if I willful sin? The verse doesn't refer to people that are struggling with their true image as explained above, people that are willing to do good, but they can’t, it refers to people that reject Christ yet they know the truth, these are people that never really accepted Christ in the first place, it is someone who is beyond salvation because he has rejected the one true sacrifice for sins: the Lord Jesus Christ. If Christ’s sacrifice is rejected, then all hope of salvation is gone. To turn away willfully from this sacrifice leaves no sacrifice; it leaves only sin, the penalty for which is eternal death. This passage is not speaking of a believer who falls away, but rather someone who may claim to be a believer, but truly is not. Anyone who apostatizes is proving he never had genuine faith to begin with. They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.” (1 John 2:19).  Friends we must know how to live spiritual life after we receive forgiveness of sin, if you live by  the grace of God , your life cannot help but change, when you don’t know this you return to your old ways as you try to have good deeds on your efforts. What is  comforting though is your faith that after receiving salvation you no longer alone , Jesus will hold you, crossing the river of death, I believe that until we get to that land beyond , He will never let go of your hand. Importantly understand this: you need to hear the hear the voice of God, how do you hear the voice of God? By reading the bible, that’s God’s voice to you and remember the Holy Spirit has taken residence in you, also you need a shepherd why? Because you are a sheep not a shepherd, but you need a true servant of God, that will guide you by the Word of God in your spiritual life, however your true shepherd is Jesus Christ, beware of false prophets!- (Matthew 7:15), you become nourished under a true precious servant of God.  Friends also bear in mind that receiving salvation does not mean hardships will not come to you, but although we face hardships, God allows all things to work together for good (Romans 8:28). In Galatians 1:6-10 Paul warns us of the gospel of our own works relative to the gospel of Christ which is true. Friends therefore in our lives, let’s give up fighting. Let’s be knocked out like how boxers get knock out in a ring. From then on, we can face no more punches. No more difficulties. Let’s forsake our thoughts and our good deeds, then spiritual life become true, we have become righteous by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. As you journey forth in your spiritual life, join the great commission to work for the Lord, it is the only slavery assignment that brings true happiness in our lives. It is in this slavery assignment that I found my purpose and I can guarantee you that your purpose can only be validated when it is no longer you that live but Jesus Christ, it is in Christ that you will find meaning of life, joy and happiness. Today standstill search yourself and ask “Am I truly saved? Is there no condemnation in my heart? Because Romans 1;8 says there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ, if you have assurance of salvation I urge you to journey fourth  boasting of your weakness, allowing yourself to be rebuked and guided, throwing away all your thoughts and remaining with ONLY the Word of God in your heart-this indeed is true spiritual life. “But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). In everything let God see Jesus Christ in you not you, today read Galatians 2;20 differently where there is “I” replace with your name and surname or replace my name and put yours-this scripture  must be engraved in your new  heart Victor Nkomo have been crucified with Christ and Victor Nkomo no longer live, but Christ lives in Victor Nkomo. The life Victor Nkomo now live in the body, Victor Nkomo live by faith in the Son of God, who loved Victor Nkomo and gave himself for Victor Nkomo”NEVER BE DISCOURAGED STAY ENCOURAGED IN THE LORD”.OUR NEW MAGAZINE: SALVATION  IS HERE download for free and share with others, you can also print and share the gospel of Christ that frees people from sin by leading people to salvation prepared by God.

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The Special Seed  is a Christian spiritual  movement that seeks to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes and lead all who believe to a purposeful life that give  glory to  God. The Special Seed is part of the body of Christ and only Jesus Christ is the head not any man or any organization. It is an army of Christ, empty vessels that God is able to use to accomplish His will. Victor Nkomo is a human being who preaches the gospel of Christ, the power of God to salvation leading people to a purpose driven life focused on eternal legacy, Victor believes he is just a transmission cable, an empty vessel of God’s Word of Salvation which frees people from sin and Jesus Christ is the true founder of His body which is the true “church”. Victor is happy to come and teach at your church, your group or individual bible study.


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