Civilty Lost
This week's goal is a dose of civilty and finding some small area we can mostly agree on.
First, name calling an elected official or accusing them of a nefarious conspiracy theory infers negative characteristics about those in support of that person. It's NOT a constructive or intelligent way to try to convince others of your argument(s). Actually, it does just the opposite and reinforces their negative biases as well. They just dig in.
Having said that, many of us are guilty of it because we've been worked up into a frenzy by powerful forces that need our votes, therefore we get pelted with all the RIGHT or LEFT propaganda they can throw our way from our desktop computers, smartphones, and cable news channels. Can we not see a few good points (s) on ANY policy from the other side of the argument?
Are Both sides totally right or totally wrong? That doesn't even sound reasonable.
We all think we know exactly what's true and what's false because of what our preferred news channel anchor or opinion journalist tells us to believe, but clearly, all we really know is what is served up to us on a daily basis via the digital echo chamber that we're ALL stuck in. It feels so good to be totally right...
In many cases, their narratives are far from the truth and in some instances just spun fabrications, regardless of which side is spouting it. As an independent, I've seen it both ways with my own eyes.
Couldn't we just start out with an agreement on that?
Former President Dwight Eisenhower claimed that our biggest threat was the military industrial complex and he was right, then. That was before Social Media and 200 news channels attempted to take over our country and consciousness.
This week, why not try to soften the tone and TALK ABOUT POLICIES instead of calling each other's candidates losers, criminals, and worse? It devolves the argument into something totally nonproductive and it is a waste of everyone's time and energy all the while leading nowhere.
It helps to remember that broadly speaking, most people desire similar things, like a happy, safe, and productive life, a decent job, opportunity, and a safe neighborhood to raise the next generation.
Could this be another possible point of agreement between us?
Without the ability to talk about policies versus hateful and harmful rhetoric we are truly lost and our Republic is truly at risk. My hope is that we can remain united as neighbors, friends, family members, as well as Americans while we're disagreement. That's actually a sign of strength, maturity, integrity, and intelligence.
It's not a sign of weakness.
As a show of good faith, name ONE policy that you don't agree with your own party about.
For me, it's going to be global warming. I believe mankind IS affecting the global climate with massive doses of CO2 contributions. The real argument lies in how fast it's happening.
Jack Solloway
6 年I love the pic of the eggs hatching. Wish I could save it
Nationwide Luxury Home Design from our offices in Scottsdale, AZ.
6 年Jack...great post....As a life long Republican, I am finding that many of the high up Republicans have left the reservation when it comes to the ideals and values that have always kept me in the Republican party.? Both sides fire rounds based on propaganda that is a false message or an out and out lie to make their side look better.? This division has been happening since the creation of our Republic because each side wants your money to help them win and become more powerful and they will say anything to get you stirred up to vote out of fear or anger. If you look back over my lifetime of 62 years...not much has really changed no matter who was in power.? There is a reason for that...the politicians benefit from a lack of change. As long as issues like abortion are a hot topic both side will campaign on stopping it or insuring it will always be available...neither will do anything significant to change the laws because if they win they lose their ability to raise money to stop the other side...same with gun laws and immigration...nothing will change significantly.? We are slowly changing from a Republic to a Democracy and more and more our government is taking us towards a socialist style government. As a constitutional conservative that does scare me.? The fact the democratic party is openly trying to move us to be a socialist democracy is terrifying to me and the values I hold dear.? Global caused?....hoax...there we's a hoax. No proof and the proof that has been put forward can be torn apart by other so called experts.? Just a great advertising campaign to sell solar panels.?