How Lists Can Help Organize Your Finances
Paula Rizzo
Best-Selling Author - Listful Thinking & Listful Living | Speaker | Media Trainer for Authors | Emmy-Award Winning Video/TV Producer | Productivity Expert | LinkedIn Learning Instructor
You already know how I feel about lists and how much they can do for you. But here’s yet another example. Lists can help put more money in your pocket!
I’m the one who deals with the finances in our house– mostly because I’m a control freak. But I could always use a tip or two for being more organized with our money. So I asked Scott Gamm who is a total finance whiz kid…he’s also the founder of He’s been on national TV and has been published on many websites. And even better — he’s a list maker!
How Lists Can Help Organized Your Finances by Scott Gamm
You probably make to-do lists at work, for the grocery store and when you have tons of errands to run. It’s not typical to make a financial to-do list, but it is one of the most important lists.
Managing your money requires skill, care and time. There are many moving parts and components of your personal finances from credit cards to bank accounts to bills and mortgages. If you’re feeling overwhelmed when it comes to your finances, make a list!
Here are some suggestions on what should be on your financial list:
1. Pay the Bills: Thirty-five percent of your credit score is based on whether or not you pay your bills on time. It is critical that you pay the bill as it arrives in the mail, instead of letting it sit in a drawer unnoticed. On your list, include all your monthly bills along with the due date and amount (mortgage/rent, car payment, utilities, cable TV/internet/phone, insurance, gasoline, groceries, etc.). Check out this article which explains all of the details of your credit score.
2. Credit Cards: You must keep track of your credit cards. You should know how much debt (if any) you have on the card at all times. Also, you need to be aware of the interest rate on your card. Call your credit card company every month and see if they can lower the interest rate.
3. Insurance: Did you know that car insurance rates are constantly fluctuating? It’s a wise idea to spend 20 minutes each month researching car insurance rates online. If you see a lower price, consider switching your insurance to save money. However, be sure to research the insurance company and stay with a reputable, well-known insurance provider.
4. Automate Your Savings: Make sure a certain amount of money is transferred from your checking account into your savings account automatically each month. This will force you to make do with less, while effortlessly building your savings. Use this free Expense Calculator to help determine how much money you save each month.
Scott Gamm is the founder of the personal finance website He has appeared on NBC’s TODAY, MSNBC, ABC News and CBS. Follow Scott on Facebook and Twitter.
This article was originally published on, a site that brings you shortcuts and tips on productivity and time management. My new book about lists, Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed recently hit the shelves! The power of a simple list is pretty amazing. It makes you feel more in control of every aspect of your life and makes you a better version of yourself. I know, because it’s worked for me!
Oh and some really successful and organized authors like David Allen, Julie Morgenstern and Gretchen Rubin have endorsed the book too! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook and get a free chapter of my book by signing up here.