How to lie with truth
Note: First published on July 8, 2019 on vcp ?

How to lie with truth

Perfect corpses?

CNN June 27: "The bodies of Oscar Alberto Martínez and his 23-month-old daughter, Angie Valeria, lie face down in murky waters littered with reeds and discarded beer bottles. Their heads are wrapped in a black T-shirt, and her tiny right arm is draped over his shoulders." (CNN). I suppose that everyone knows what CNN is talking about. It is the photo, and as it turns out also a video, showing the dead corpse of the father and daughter that drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into the USA.

The photo went viral and popped up in news media all over the world.

Why? What is so special about this photo and the video? Father and daughter certainly wasn't the first fatalities in attempts to cross the border into the US. Why then this picture now? Why were the bodies left in water, with onlookers taking photos and videos?

Perhaps the explanation is that the dead bodies of father and daughter were perfect corpses. Young bodies, in perfect shape with no apparent bruises, and only slightly untidy clothes. Almost too clean to be believable (as one border guard apparently since tweeted). Their faces averted, so not too disturbing, and of course there was the moving detail of the child having her arm about the neck of the father. Almost as if they were just sleeping and would be awake in a moment.

One is reminded of the photos of Aylan Al-Kurdi on a beach in Greece, which showed similar characteristics, and of the effect they had on public opinion. “If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don't change Europe's attitude to refugees, what will?” (The Independent).

Perfect corpses for stirring up people, and unscrupulous used for exactly that purpose.

By CBS :"Tragic photo underscores the plight of migrants"

By the democratic presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke, who blamed Trump: "Trump is responsible for these deaths."

By the democratic presidential candidate getting a lot attention at moment, Kamala Harris: "These families seeking asylum are often fleeing extreme violence, and what happens when they arrive? Trump says, 'Go back to where you came from.' That is inhumane. Children are dying. This is a stain on our moral conscience."

By Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, who became emotional when she responded: "Can just imagine how that happened and I, I just think it's such a shame for that to be the face of America around the world"

Even the Pope chimed in: "The pope is profoundly saddened by their death, and is praying for them and for all migrants who have lost their lives while seeking to flee war and misery."

For the time being it certainly looks as if news media has been successful in stirring up public opinion with a very selective piece of truth, based upon a photo. This piece of truth and the comments accompanying it conveys the impression that the tragic deaths of father and daughter were a direct consequence of Trump's harsh immigration policies.

Untidy corpses

Two days before the photos of the dead father and daughter showed up in news media all over the world, PBSO (Public Broadcasting station) reported that two babies, a toddler and a woman had been found dead in the Rio Grande Valley. Law enforcement officers told the press that the four had died days ago, presumably overcome by sweltering heat and dehydration after fording the river. Some days earlier another decomposed body had also been found on the banks of the Rio Grande.

Photos of these dead migrants found days before the father and daughter did not show up in news media around world. Perhaps because they weren't as photogenic, being decomposing and untidy? Or perhaps no one was around to grasp the chance to use photos of decomposing dead migrants to stir up opinion?

We don’t know, but it certainly looks like news media know how to select and publish photos of dead migrants for maximum effect, to stir up compassion and protests over the plight of migrants.

Even accompanying the gratuitous publication of photos of the dead migrants, with explanations of how difficult an ethical decision it was. After criticism of The New York Times' decision to publish the photo, a reader finding "it a thoroughly humiliating (disrespectful) photograph," the paper wrote that the decision was taken after a long discussion. In the end " the editors decided to run the image because it bore witness to what is happening at the border between the United States and Mexico right now."

Apparently they also discussed if the prominent placement of the photo on the front page might be seen as a political statement , but "the editors were confident that the image stood on its own, reflecting the perils migrants on the border face, not a position on the issue of immigration. Either the editors must have naive or less that sincere, when they didn't see the photo as a political statement. They must have known precisely what they were doing, as they even discussed the effect of the Aylan Al-Kurdi photo.

As we have seen this was exactly what happened. The photo was used explicitly by all opponents of Trump and his migration policies: "Trump is responsible" (The Guardian). Almost as if he was personally responsible for the death of Oscar Alberto Martínez and Angie Valeria.

Not so in El Salvador though. President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador thinks his country is one to blame: "We can blame any other country but what about our blame? What country did they flee? Did they flee the United States? They fled El Salvador, they fled our country. It is our fault"

The truth in numbers instead of photos

How many migrants die attempting to cross the border, how has this changed over the years, and how does the number of deaths stand in relation to the number of migrants?According to ABC News 281 migrants were found dead in the 2018 budget year which ended on September 30. According to UN sources 412 migrants died crossing the border in 2017.

To compare these numbers with the previous years we found the following statistic in a CNN investigation from 2018, covering the period from 1998 to 2016. Incidentally also showing that U.S. Border Patrol was underrepresenting the number of migrants deaths. (CNN)

We can see are that the number of dead migrants show spikes in 2005 and 2012-2013, with more than 450 counted.This at least shows that migrant deaths at border spiked before Trump became president and was accused of being responsible for migrant deaths at the border.

Furthermore the number of migrants apprehended at the border, is showing a significant rise in numbers in 2019. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection). Presumably accompanied by a similar rise in illegal attempts to cross the border and correspondingly a rise in numbers of deaths. Perhaps even amplified by a period of unusual high temperatures in the border region (

This information would seem to have been extremely relevant, when discussing whether Trump was responsible for the death of migrants, but this discussion has generally been ignored by news media. Instead we get a photo of a dead father and daughter, an isolated fact that is used knowingly and cynically to cater to an opinion critical of everything Trump does. A simple fact is chosen, placed under a magnifying glass, implying that it shows the truth.

It is not fake news as such, as the photo presumably shows a fact, but in a way it is worse than fake news. Fake news can be revealed to be fake news, but the photo isn't fake news. It is a true fact you see, and from this we can infer the harshness Trump's migration policies. That at least seems to be the reasoning in the news media that published and commented upon the photo.

No, that is not what we can infer and the numbers, as far we can se, does not bear out this inference. We are led to the conclusion that a true, but isolated fact, is used by news media, commenters and opponents to Trump to draw a false inference. Perhaps we may even call it a lie.

Border control strategies and funnel effects

The Trump administration did not invent what is called the "prevention through deterrence" strategy to reduce the number of illegal border crossings, at what is usually called the Southwest border.

This strategy was initiated in 1994, when the US Border Patrol published a National strategy in order to bring the Southwest border under control."The Border Patrol will improve control of the border by implementing a strategy of "prevention through deterrence." The border Patrol will achieve the goals of its strategy by bringing a decisive number of enforcement resources to bear in each major entry corridor." In accordance with this strategy there was a dramatic increase in the number of Border Patrol agents assigned to the regions where most migrants crossed the border.

In this way it was hoped to get control of the border, although it wasn't thought that all illegal crossings could be prevented.

The "prevention through deterrence" strategy led to a funnel effect. Stricter border security pushed migrants away from the easy entry corridors and led to attempts to cross the border elsewhere, by more dangerous routes and less populated border areas.

This led to more fatalities, to more migrants dying, as they were increasingly "falling victim to exposure" in their attempts to cross the border.

Trump has been criticised for seeing migrants as criminals drug smugglers etc. and while his language may be abhorrent, he certainly isn't the first one to see the danger of drugs coming across the border.

Under president Obama we find the outline of Counternarcotics Strategy at the Southwest Border in which it is argued: "Criminal activity along the Southwest Border (SWB) poses a significant national security threat for the United States The almost 2,000-mile border that separates the United States and Mexico includes major population centers, transportation hubs, and large tracts of uninhabited desert Criminal organizations have used that vast area to engage in cross-border drug trafficking, human smuggling, weapons trafficking, money laundering, and other associated illegal activities." (obamawhitehouse.archives).

Thus, Trump is continuing and enhancing the same strategies that his predecessors had used to prevent an uncontrolled rise in illegal migrant crossings and in criminal activities at the Southwest Border. Still Trump and his administration is seen as a special kind of culprit, whose policies are responsible for migrant deaths at border. At least that is the impression most of the news media is giving us. Is this a fair impression based upon facts? Does it represent the truth? Or is a is a skewed impression based intentionally upon selective facts, and photos chosen not to make us any wiser, but with the ulterior motive of making us abhor President Trump and his actions.

Doubtful media ethics

The Ethical Journalism Network has published a five point guide for migration reporting. According to the first the point " Facts not bias" they want journalists to ask themselves:

"Are we accurate and have we been impartial, inclusive and fact-based in our reporting?

Are we acting independently from narratives that stem from politics and emotion rather than facts?

Are we fairly and transparently reporting the impact of migration on communities?”

Judging from what we have seen, news media reporting on the death of the migrant father and daughter, are neither impartial nor acting independently from political and emotional narratives, and they certainly seem to ignore the impact of migration on communities.

In fact it seems that even the more serious spectrum of the news media are using exactly the same means, albeit more sophisticated, as we see in the social media. Reporting to suit a certain political view, choosing carefully selected facts presented as the whole truth, and catering to a biased opinion partly created by themselves.

Can we really believe the self-proclaimed objectivity of the news media, when they see themselves as a corrective to biased social news and alternative facts?

From what we have seen here, it would seem that the media also operate with what one may actually call alternative facts (not alternative to facts). In the sense that they are placing a looking glass over facts that suits a certain political and ideological agenda. Thus, creating a truth that caters to certain opinion, ignoring that looking glass truths may lead to a bigger lie.



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