How Library Contributes
National Geographic

How Library Contributes

In the age when the wealth of all human knowledge and culture can be accessed through a tile-sized tablet, most people would assume that we no longer need a library in the home. But as I pointed out earlier in our discussion of Yourself on Your Shelf , the printed book holds its appeal as an artifact, a memento, or an artistic creation, and those who own these objects will want them displayed safely and attractively as we do in our home in both my office and our children’s education room.

I find it amazing that just their physical presence inspires our children to read more independently. Of course, seeing their parents read also inspires our kids! We also have one whole wall covered with a mural-sized National Geographic World Map so they may visualize the places they are reading about — at least on this world!

Being digital does not at all indicate a decline in literacy. In fact, the members of Generation XY&Z are avid purchasers of books. Just as we should not “judge a book by its cover,” we should also not assume that a New York Times Best Seller will even be printed on paper.

Remember, as you preview the collections of books in your friends’ homes, you’ll understand how they tend to reveal something about the personality of the family or at least the particular collector. In fact, you may want to look at your own collection and see if it conveys a message that meets your approval and philosophy of life.

I purposely read (and listen to) books that I know are opposing viewpoints from mine as this is the only way I can confirm my convictions while also loading up the ammunition when an opposing view is in a debate with me. (I also do this with radio, flipping back and forth between Rush Limbaugh and NPR.) When compiling the bibliography of my personal library a few years ago (thanks to the help from my daughter, Amber), I thought to follow the organizational scheme of Thomas Jefferson’s library, where his 6,487 volumes eventually became the foundation of the Library of Congress in 1815.

He divided his collection into memory, reason, and imagination categories, placing at Jefferson’s fingertips the span of his multifaceted interests. My personal library is by no means as extensive, and I have broadened the categories to genre and added two more sub-categories to define each book.

Here is a link to the most up-to-date version, but since first accounting for my acquired books, I need to amend at least another 340 titles to update this list. Title, Author, Date, Genre, Inventory of my library.pdf

When you want to speak with me about your ideas or needs, reach out via?LinkedIn ?or through our mobile community app,?

Have a great weekend, Gordon

PS - Feel free to buy our Kindle version of?How to Createyourself

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