How To Leverage Your Paris Wine Cup Victory For Maximum Trade Exposure

How To Leverage Your Paris Wine Cup Victory For Maximum Trade Exposure

Winning an award at an international wine competition such as the Paris Wine Cup clearly demonstrates to the trade how well the wine will be perceived in the market and give the trade a strong indicator to stock that wine. It will also allow the trade to hand-sell your wine to their end consumer with increased confidence as the wine was assessed on its value, package, and quality merits.?

Winning an award at the Paris Wine Cup is just the first step, Here, we will provide you with the insights and tools to leverage your victory and make the most of your win at the Paris Wine Cup awards.

  1. Branding and Marketing:

Make sure your bottles and marketing stand out with Paris Wine Cup bottle stickers. You can use your winning medal stickers on your brand support tools also. Some of the best places to showcase your Paris Wine Cup medal would be:

  • Brand Deck
  • Sell Sheet
  • Shelf Talkers
  • Case Cards
  • Bottle Neckers

  1. Press Template by Paris Wine Cup:?

Use our Press Template to create your own press release. Send it to your distributors, importers, retailers, and end consumers.

2. Show off at Trade Tastings:

Show the on-trade you mean business at generic tastings by displaying the easily recognisable logo prominently.

3. Use Medals On Social Media:

You can display your Paris Wine Cup winning medals on your social media pages to grab the attention of your consumers directly and involve them in your achievements.

4. Place your Paris Wine Cup medal on your inventory:

Just imagine retail shelves all over with your bottles standing out from the rest because of your latest victory at the Paris Wine Cup.

5. Point of Sale display:

Whether it is your own website or your local brick-and-mortar retailer, Leverage these points of sale by showcasing your victory at the latest Paris Wine Cup to entice your customers to try out your offering.

6. Tell the world:?

Show off your win in your customer newsletters, and place the news prominently on your website. Send us your press release and we will send it to our media partners.

?Winning a medal at Paris Wine Cup can act as one of your strongest marketing tools. So register your brand today to get the seal of approval from best people in the industry.

Register for PWC 2023 at


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