How to Leverage Game-Based Learning to Advance your Training Efforts

How to Leverage Game-Based Learning to Advance your Training Efforts

Let’s be real for a second: Creating effective training is hard. Giving people understanding and motivation without burying them in a pile of information is no easy task. With everyone’s attention spread so thinly, trainers need to design programs in a way that engages the trainees, resulting in more impactful and faster learning. But how? The answer: Game-Based Learning.

Not to be confused with gamification, game-based learning is a much more interactive and fun experience, bound to make for a more meaningful learning environment. It provides instant feedback, is easy to track, and most importantly is learner-centric. Basically, it is learning by playing games. The trainee is put first, and given an experience that has an actual impact on whatever it is that they are trying to do. Whether it is digital or in the real world, this program only really works when you know what you want to get out of it. Integrating game-based learning to your training stack can have applications for different objectives. Here are some of the most effective uses for game-based learning.

TalentLMS conducted a study about motivation during static vs. gamified training content. As a result, gamified training proved to be 55% more motivating than non-gamified training, and only 10% of gamified trainees felt bored, compared to the whole half of non-gamified trainees feeling bored and unengaged.

This is evidence that game-based learning will give trainees a higher retention rate of knowledge provided during training.

The key benefits of game-based learning are as follows:

1. Foster Collaboration and Enhance Team Building

When you’re trying to onboard your team and get everyone to know each other, game-based learning can be a great way to foster collaboration and enhance team building. Healthy competition among peers can transmit to a more motivated learning environment, and introducing aspects like leaderboards and scoring can improve learner engagement and bring excitement to what may otherwise be a flat and boring format. More importantly, there is real communication between peers when everyone is engaged in the content and wants to be there.

2. Immersive Environments Improve Engagement Levels

Most employees are expecting a passive training experience consisting of videos, pamphlets, and maybe a flat assessment at the end, challenging them to memorize as much information as possible. Immersive learning helps ease the pain of this challenge, and brings some fun to the mix! Training games and interactive content are not only engaging and attention grabbing, but require the trainee to participate in order to achieve expected outcomes. One of the biggest challenges associated with training employees has been related to keeping learners engaged. Game-Based Learning allows for the users to be immersed and interested in your training, with the ability for the trainers to track every click, scroll, and interaction at every frequency. Training programs are meant to teach and encourage. Not to disengage or deactivate. If you’re looking to collect more data points, track learner engagement, and learn more about your people, game-based learning can improve the process while getting rid of the friction and frustration

3. Improve Critical Thinking Skills

Game-based learning can help enhance problem solving and critical thinking, while improving decision-making skills. Traditional training methods can try and prepare you for how it’s going to be on the job, but it can be hard for the learner to really envision themselves in that position – probably because they don’t know what their environment is supposed to look like. Game based learning can use real life environments to give that extra layer of immersion and draw out the engagement of your learner.

Game-Based Corporate Learning can be Practical and Affordable While Improving Learner Results

You may not think that games will help people learn, and in part be a distraction, but it’s actually the opposite. Game based learning adds demonstration and practice aids to the mix, making the audio-visual learning method even stronger. This is a better way to put newly learned information to practice, instead of bogging up their mind with reading material that they have to try and digest for themselves. While a game may not be the most traditional way of learning, it is definitely one of the most effective ways.

Drive Engagement and Build Relationships between your Trainers and Trainees

Game based learning is a rapidly growing segment of the corporate training industry and for a good reason too. Out of all the traditional training methods, Game-Based learning has been able to stand out from the rest and provide clear cut results that benefit all parties involved. With younger digital native generations, it has become increasingly important for companies to begin thinking about new ways to strike a chord with new audiences, and communicate in a way that is effective for both parties.

Want to take your training efforts to the next level?

Bring game-based learning to your corporate learners and increase engagement/returns with interactive content and a learner-centric approach. Want some help? Let us know.



