How To Leverage Bold Ideas With A Big Think Strategy
Ronan Leonard
Certified Innovation Professional | Business Mentor | Business improvement is my strength.
??Week 12: How To Leverage Bold Ideas With A Big Think Strategy ??
The Greeks gained access to Troy using a Trojan horse, you might need one to help you innovate.
To develop disruptive strategies and execute in bold strokes that shake up markets. You need a trojan horse that allows a truly creative approach to strategy development and execution if you want to think big.
Big Think is a style of thinking and leading that alters the nature of competition, once implemented there is no going back.?
The end goal must be a simple and powerful idea that creates new customer value.
Six Strategy Tasks of Big Think
Sourcing new ideas - seeking new connections and associations in seemingly unrelated concepts
Evaluating ideas - potential for lasting impact and if they can change markets
Turning the ideas into Big Think Strategy - capture your bold ideas in a crisp image that you further develop
Executing Big Think - attract your customers' attention through bold communication
Leading Big Think - Having not just a plan but an agenda
Sustaining Big Think - Constantly expose employees to new information that is relevant and stimulates new thoughts?
The Brain’s Role in Creativity
The creativity process comes in 4 stages - preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.
5 idea sourcing tools
Map out all your ideas and cluster them into similar and common themes.
Create a “marketplace” for the ideas. Each idea comes with stock options in a mock stock market where employees can buy and sell the stocks. A way to produce and evaluate the best ideas.
To make sure the ideas you have generated are “big” , check each idea for 3 broad criteria of “bigness”: creativity, business impact and communications impact.
Creativity - Creative solutions are new, innovative or unprecedented against a comparison point.
Business Impact - Ask what potential business impact could be like if the idea succeeds and is most valued by the company (stock value, sales, revenue, market share, brand value, customer lifetime value)
Communications Impact - Stir things up, turn heads or get you noticed. Will your new idea get customers talking or make your competitors envious??
Which Big Ideas Actually Work?
For the big idea to work it must be feasible, defendable against competition and fit the internal culture
Feasibility - Implementation costs, resources required and legal or regulatory constraints.
Defendability - How does the idea stack up against current competitors, customers and suppliers, emerging players and threats from adjacent industries. Can you build a “moat” around the concept/idea?
Internal Fit - Ideally the idea should have a strong match with the mission, vision and objectives. Will your culture embrace or stifle the big idea?
Four Big Think Strategy Types:
Opposition Strategy - creates the opposite of established business strategies in the industry.
Integration Strategy - bringing seemingly incompatible concepts together
Essence Strategy - Essence refers to the indisputable, essential parts of an entity but taken to the extreme. To do this effectively you need complete control over the essential capabilities.
Transcendence Strategy - going far beyond the boundaries of the business and its industry norms.
A Big Think project must be sufficiently funded and translated into an operational plan.
Many Big Thinkers have spent their lives cultivating eclectic interests and moving around in diverse circles.
Summary: A framework for beginning the process of thinking bigger than you have currently been. A way to stretch the imagination and current boundaries that you might have imposed on your thinking (and business)
1 Key Takeaway/Insight: 5 idea sourcing tools, four Big Think strategy types
Rating: 7 out of 10 ??
Author: Bernd Schmitt
Link to purchase:?
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?? I’m Ronan Leonard
?? Business Relations enthusiast
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UN -Networking Expert bringing commonsense to everything I do. Its not uncommon if you focus on being interested not interesting. You are more than what you do for work
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