How to Legally Acquire Free Labor For Your Content Business
Ayodeji Awosika
I help client-based business owners sell 4-5 figure offers using the ‘write, chat, sell’ method.
I have an army of salespeople working for me.
They don’t get any PTO, nights off, health benefits, or sick days.
I don’t pay them?at all.
I force them to work for me 24/7 and they don’t get to take a break even?for a second.
Let’s talk about how to get what is essentially slave labor to build your content business.
The Life-Changing Magic of Leverage
Before you throw a rock at me or report me for hate speech, I’m being tongue in cheek.
These salespeople are 1’s and 0’s.
When you create media, it’s like you’re recruiting a sales team that works for you around the block.
I’ve literally made money in my sleep and I get passive income because I put systems in place to sell things for me without my involvement.
I work hard. And the idea of total passive income is nonsense. But you can?use content to create leverage , which means you get more out than what you put in.
If you get paid $50 an hour at your job, the most you can make for an hour’s worth of work is $50.
If you spend an hour creating an asset that can sell for you, the most you can make is…unlimited.
Here’s an example:
Imagine not just doing this once, but hundreds of times.
Compounding kicks in and all of a sudden you’re really making extra money with zero additional effort.
The Global Arena
I just did a webinar yesterday. 100 people attended it. There were people from Austria, Germany, Brazil, Wales, London, South Africa, and people from dozens of states across the U.S.
I educated them about writing and?pitched my product? at the end.
10 people bought the program at $600~
That’s $6,000 in revenue for doing a 90-minute presentation. A lot more than $50 an hour.
When you learn how to build an audience, you can take advantage of scale.
Scale means you can reach a large number of people all at the same time. 100 people is a teeny tiny webinar.
Big wigs can have thousands of eyeballs looking at their product idea all at the same time because they took the time to build an audience.
If you can master those two things, scale and leverage, you can put yourself in a position to be
Not only can you reach people around the world. You can reach them around the clock.
I can, and will, record the live webinars I do and let people sign up and watch them at their own convenience.
Are you starting to get how this all works?
You need to?build an audience now ?so you can take advantage of leverage and scale later.
If You Can Get Ungodly Rich With Leverage and Scale, Why Don’t More People Take Advantage of Them?
Because it’s fucking hard.
To achieve leverage and scale you have to first eat shit for years at a time to build a sizeable audience.
You have to be actually?good at what you do ?for people to want to trust you and work with you.
You have to?crawl out of the abyss? that 99 percent of content creators never manage to escape.
The beginning of the road for a content creator is lonely, cold, and terrifying.
Here are some words to comfort you, though:
Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Discharge your duties faithfully and well. Step by step you get ahead, but not necessarily in fast spurts. But you build discipline by preparing for fast spurts… Slug it out one inch at a time, day by day, at the end of the day – if you live long enough – most people get what they deserve.
– Charlie Munger
In my fifth year as a writer, I made more money than in the previous?four years combined.?The fast spurt kicked in.
What used to take me?months?to make years back now takes me?hours.
But none of this would be possible had I not worked my ass off for free with no promise of reward, day after day, week after week, and month after month for the better part of a decade.
You can get rich creating content, but you have to be in it for a length of time most others just aren’t willing to stomach.
Here are some links to other cool things you’ll enjoy: