How To Learn...
We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change in our marketplace or any given industry. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.
There are simply 5 things to remember about learning in this order:
1) Gather all the information on the subject required in a meaningful way.
2) Learn and study the information you have gathered in order to turn the information into knowledge.
3) Turn your knowledge into solid experience, in other words, take action on what you have learned.
4) From your experience, you will get results good or bad they will be results.
5) Based on the results, you can go back at any stage and change things to change your results until you get what you want. It's what you will learn from your experience that really matters.
Most people have the information and want results, others have the knowledge and they want results and some have the practical experience and are getting weak results but don't know enough to be able to change the results needed because they are missing steps 1 and 2.