How to learn and memorize concept in GMAT
There are so many students who give so many months or sometimes years to prepare for GMAT but still struggle to score above 700. If we look at the syllabus of GMAT, it is limited and there are few type of errors that GMAT tests a student on. If we can master those patterns and types of errors tested in GMAT, then it becomes quite easy to score high in GMAT. Now there is no best way to memorize those concepts but I normally recommend a method to memorize any concept to my students. I recommend them to teach the concept that they want to master to someone. Once we teach a concept to another person that concept stays with us. So, in my classes I ask the students to explain me step by step procedure they followed to solve each question of GMAT official guide. While explaining I get to know weather student got the concept or not and weather he followed the correct approach or not. If you are doing self study, then teach that concept to a wall. The main logic behind this approach of memorizing is that when we read anything silently we believe that we understood everything but in reality we understand only 30–40% of information but when we try to explain that information loudly we understand that we still don’t understand the information completely and we read that information again. This repetition of reading the same information makes sure that you don’t move the next set of information until you completely understood the current information.