How to Learn Data Science from Scratch ? - NareshIT
Data Science is Science that covers the collection and analysis of the data for extracting useful information from it. You can have it in the form of text, images, videos, and numbers, etc. And the data results, you can make use of for making models performvarious tasks on their own, or you can make use of it for forecasting the outcomes of the future. You need to understand you are in the world of Data. And numerous companies are now trying to keep up with data science, AI as well as machine learning for getting their task done. And for the future, you need to learn Data Science. And this article brings in front of you how you can learn Data Science from right zero. Naresh I Technologies is the number one computer training institute in Hyderabad and among the top five computer training institutes in India. Contact us anytime for your Data Science training.
So why is so important Data Science ?
Now we have the zettabytes and yottabytes of data. And you can have structured and unstructured data, and both of them are quite essential for the businesses for making use of the data. And you can make use of this data for visualizing the trends, reducing the cost, launching various products and services, as well as extending the business for various demographics.
So, what is the Learning Plan for the Data Science
We provide a solid learning plan. And it does not matter that you are a beginner, an intermediate, or any advanced in DS, this particular plan is good for each of them. And if you make use of this plan, you can end up learning the DS in just one year. And here we divide the learning the whole requirement into small chunks. And with the completion of each level, you will feel quite a lot of satisfaction from within and that will empower you to begin with even more enthusiasm at the new level.
Technical Skills
You need to understand the mathematics of the algorithm. The most commonly used programing language in DS is Python. And you will find a whole bunch of developers who work to their best level for developing the libraries in Python for making the Data Science experience quite easy and smooth. Though, you need to polish the R programming skills as well.
Python Fundamentals
Before you start making use of Python for solving the problems related to Data Science, you need to understand the fundamentals. And you will find a lot of courses for understanding Python. And you will find a lot of free courses in Python. And YouTube has a lot to offer and all those courses in Python come in free. You can learn python through these courses even if you are a beginner or a dummy.
Python for Data Analysis
Now you can move up with using Python in Data Science. And the best suggestion is the NareshIT,as the starting point. And we make the course quite simple for understanding. If you want to come up with more knowledge related to Python, you can contact us anytime. We provide quite a nominal fee-based training in Python. You will also find the course quite worth the money you will invest in this Python course by us.
Python for Machine learning :
Our course In Machine learning will help you in learning the ML fundamentals. Though, you will find a plethora of free courses for acquiring ML skills. You need to make sure that whatever course you are up with has in it the SciKit-learn. The SciKit happens to be one of the most used Python libraries for machine learning and data science. And you can begin with the seminars and the workshops which we organize regularly. And through these, you can get the practical knowledge that you must have.
We work with the Data in DS. And hence SQL is quite important. It helps in organizing and accessing the data. You can make use of various online learning programs like us for learning SQL and we will teach you from scratch at a nominal fee.
R Programming
Diversification of skills is always a great idea. And you should not always rely on Python only. You can make use of the R as well, as it’s the best programming language for statistics. And you can contact us for complete R programming. And we charge a nominal fee.
There are various technical aspects that you need to cover. Though there is a lot of theory involved as well. You need not do the mistake of ignoring the theory. Once, you learn the algorithm, you need to learn the theory behind it. And we teach not only algorithms but the complete theory behind them.
It's one of the most important data science parts. You need to learn calculus. And it is an integral part of Data Science. You require a good grip on Calculus. And you need to study the calculus topics like Derivatives, Chain rules, and Gradients. And you need a complete understanding of all this. And then you need to learn Linear Algebra, and it’s quite essential for machine learning, AI, and Data Science.
Linear Algebra
Linear algebra is another important topic you need to master to understand data science. Linear algebra is used across all three domains – machine learning, artificial intelligence as well as data science. And various topics you need to study under the library algebra are as follows: Vectors and the Spaces, and Matrix transformations.
Statistics :
You need the Statistics for sorting and using the data. And you need proper organization and maintenance of the data for making use of the statistics. Below are some of the topics that you need to study under the statistics: You need to study Descriptive Statistics and various topics that you need to learn are the types of distribution, Central tendency, data summarization, and the dependency measure. And you need to learn the experimentation design like sampling, randomness, probability and hypothesis testing, and significance testing. You also need to learn the machine learning topics like regression, inference about the slope, and classification.
And you will need practical experience inreal-world data science issues.You need to start with an internship and then you can participate in various open-source projects. And that will help you in enriching your skills to a great level.
Data Science Lifecycle
Each of the data science projects has to pass through a life cycle. And we have the description for each phase below :
Discovery : In this phase, we come up with the definition of the problem. We make a report that details the requirement like manpower, technology, and skills that are available to you. You can approve or reject the project at this step.
Data Preparation : You need to come up with the analytical sandbox which is used for the upcoming stages of the projects. You need to put the conditions before you come up with the data modeling. You need to prepare the analytical sandbox, and then you need to prepare the ETLT, and then you need to come up with the data conditioning and then you need to come up with the visualization.
Then comes the model planning phase : During this phase, you need to figure out the relationship among the variables. You need complete knowledge related to the data. You need all this in relationships based on the algorithms. you can make use of various model planning tools like SAS/ACCESS, R, SQL.
Then comes the Model building : Now you need to develop the data set for training the system. You need to come up with the choice among the existing tools for a more robust environment. You will find various model building tools which are available in the market like SAS Enterprise Manager, MATLAB, Statistical, WEKA, Alpine Miner, and various others.
Operationalize : And in this stage, you need to deliver the final report, system code, and teach briefing. You also need to try to do the system testing and that you need to do in the pilot mode for ascertaining how it functions before you deploy in the live real-world environment.
You need to communicate the results : Now your work is done. And you need to communicate to the stakeholders the system compliance report about the requirements that you get in stage 1. If the stakeholders accept the system, your project is successful, or else your need to do some corrections, and submit again.
So, what are the Data Science Components
We have data, programming, mathematics, machine learning, and Big Data as the components of Data Science.
And that’s how you need to study the Data Sciencefrom Scratch. Above we have covered all that required for studying related to data science. And you need not go in any other direction anymore. Get acquainted with all this knowledge, and then you are ready as a Data Science fresher, and with experience, you become a Data Science Expert.
Naresh I Technologies is the number one computer training institute in Hyderabad and among the top five computer training institutes in India. Contact us anytime for your Data Science training. You can also opt for Data Science online training, and from any part of the world. And a big package is waiting for you. And all is yours for a nominal fee affordable for all with any range of budget. Let's have a look at what you will get with this Data Science package :
You need to pay a nominal fee apart from the Data Science fee for certification.
You can choose any Data Science certification, as per your skills and interest.
You have the option to select from online and classroom training.
A chance to study at one of the best Data Science training institutes in India
We provide Data Science training in Hyderabad and USA, and no matter in which part of the world you are, you can contact us.
Naresh I technologies cater to one of the best Data Science training in India.
And a lot more is waiting for you.
Contact us anytime for your complete Data Science training.
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