How Leaders Can Be More Vulnerable
I have a confession.
I'm not perfect.
I cheat
I steal ideas from people
Yeah... that’s right
I steal ideas from people
A.K.A I learn from people I admire
I also torture myself
Everyday of my life I feel like I need to prove my self by walking at least 5 miles. 9
Doing a hard core workout, learn something new, or make someone smile.
At times I am ashamed.
I mess up.
I guess I'm human.
But I would like to challenge myself to true change.
I’m on an adventure towards change and I would like you to change with me.
It all starts with the way we THINK.
Start Scratch Your Own Itch
Next thing you see that inspires some emotional response I want you to copy it and share it
Share it with your network
Great Artist Steal
Steal your way to success?
What do you think?!? ??
Tag someone that inspires you
For more #LinkedlnTips follow #ScratchYourOwnItch
I am the way I am because of the way I think. You are the way you are because of the way you think. I'm not sure if I can become smarter in a day. And I'm not sure if you can become smarter, but I think there are things we can do to be more effective thinkers. Here are things that have enriched my thinking ability in my own life. These are the exercises I like to employ everyday to do what?
Well to be as bad ass as Hugh Jackman
Jackman meme
Gosh dammit this guy is almost perfect.
And another gosh dammit because if we follow these thinking exercises we might just be able to learn a thing or two by shooting for Hugh Jackman Awesomeness.
Without further adieu:
Number one
Value thinking and Give Yourself Permission To Do So:
The pervasiveness of smartphones, email obsession, and information outlets often diverts our minds from actually thinking for ourselves. Many people these days correlate digital activity with “getting ahead”. They assign value to it. “I’m going to respond to emails faster. I’m going to be more engaged on social media. I’m going to read more blog posts, I'm going to listen to more podcasts thus absorb more information. If I do all of this I will be a better entrepreneur! I will grow Claws out of my knuckles and shred the world of entrepreneurship."
The stinky truth is: This is a reactive existence. I can’t recall an entrepreneur crediting his success to reading blog posts all day. Listening to podcasts all day. Reading social media posts all day. Sure it might warm your mental muscles up for a bit, but it pales in comparison to intentional, focused thinking in conjunction with execution.
So instead of digital masterbation, assign value to thinking and give yourself permission to do so.
This means being okay with not looking at something on your cell phone every free minute. Yupp, I said it- try being bored.
Again, I can’t recall many great minds that attribute their success to their ability to answer emails faster and consume more tweets. Rather, they credit the ability to focus, be unique, follow their instincts, try new things, put themselves out there and think outside the box.
So how the hell do you do this?
Writing pic
Number Two
Write Your Thoughts Out:
Focusing is hard. There are usually no less than 69 ka-zillion things I want to be getting done at any point in time. If I’m not careful, I find myself jumping from one thought to the next to the next. Before you know it, I’m like Willow Smith and "I whip my hair back and forth" and all I get good at doing is bopping my head back and forth. In this state I find myself thinking about a lot of things, but never thinking really hard about one thing. And worst of all NOT GETTING A DAMN THING DONE.
Putting my thoughts in my phone allows me to focus on one thought or theme at a time. It serves as a guide to stay the mental course. The fact that I’m looking at a set of characters acts as a potent reminder that I should be thinking about them. This allows me dodge or eject myself from the state of overthinking I outlined above.
Dude Hugh, what happens when you over think?
Turn on Australian accent
"Well mate, I make it habit to always write it down."
Number 3
Make a habit of plugging in thoughts in your phone. No more excuses of not having a pen and paper around to write it down. Just hit that "talk to text button" and get it in. Taking notes are like cleats. I don’t need them to play football (or take notes to think effectively). But man, I sure play better with them on.
I usually have a lot of thoughts throughout a day that are disconnected. During the day I write the ones down I think I might want to remember and every 1-2 evenings I review them.
When all of my outrageous thoughts are laid out, I have a bird’s eye view of my mind. This makes the review very powerful. I see correlations between things I never saw. I develop faster recovery from my mistakes. (The goal is to heal and recover as fast as Wolverine.)
Okay so, think about the person trying to get somewhere by walking the streets using solely their intuition. Now juxtapose this with a guy whose got google maps. That’s what its like.
Reviewing your thoughts at a later hour is also awesome for creating new thoughts/ideas. The context of which I’m recalling these thoughts is different; more things have happened and I’m usually in a different physical location. All of these play a role for idea generation. Which is great for becoming, a better thinker which is what you're reading this for, right?!?!
Number 4
Take note of The Context of Your Best Thinking:
I try to be observant of the conditions I do my best thinking so that I can replicate this over and over.
I do my best thinking engaging in intermittent writing, walking, exercising and reading. I read a page or two and every time I have an interesting thought I copy and paste it in my phone and just start riffing on that thought. Sometimes that means one sentence, sometimes it means a full page. It just depends. For some reason, I experience the highest levels of mental stimulation here.
Read "Steal like an Artist"
I like to do this right after a workout while walking on the treadmill. At this point, I feel much less mental atrophy than any other time of the day.
Other random things I’ve noticed: Doing work in nature or on an exercise bike seems to unlock some additional focus and creativity. I also notice the same thing with lyric free music. (As I write this very article, I'm listening to some classics.)
In general, try to capture of the sweet spot, when you feel like you’re at your best. Find places and things that inexplicably unlock creativity. Once you find the NOS boosters for your mental engine let it roll! So wake up, kick ass, and repeat.
Repeat meme
Number 5
Surround Yourself With A Variety of stimulus:
The things we decide to consume (inputs) directly effect what we say and think (outputs). If you consume the same books, TV shows, and blogs everyone else does you’ll most liklely think like everyone else. If you only hang out with people that only talk about Acting or fitness, you’ll spend more time thinking and talking about acting and fitness. Aside from this being mentally limiting, you also risk becoming the tool who has nothing more to talk about outside of who just raised money. This is bad.
I think trying to read the same thing that everyone else is a losing technique. Some people think the answer is consume more. More acting and fitness blogs does not equal a better entrepreneur in that field.
Question meme with glasses
So you're saying that if I want to be better at something I shouldn't read more about that subject?
This is a "it depends, sort of answer." But think about it. This equals lazy and/or fearful.
I’ve found that what really stretches my brain is consuming content and interacting with people that come from different sides of the tracks. This really pushes me to think and question things. That’s why I try to surround myself with content, people, and things from all walks. Its also why my social agenda stretches far beyond just Acting and Fitness parties.
Hugh's going outside of the normal Wolverine look
He doesn't just focus on having claws and growling all the time. He's a great singer, great family man, writes down his thoughts and this makes him a better thinker. A better performer.
Case closed meme
I mean kind of... I have to admit I can’t claim this these things will work for anyone or that if you apply these concepts you’ll be churning out brilliant business ideas tomorrow. All I can say is that they’ve had an awesomely positive effect in my own life and that I wish the same for anyone reading this.
Final thoughts
The worst thing that could happen is that you try writing down more of your thoughts when it starts to speed out of control and you learn something about yourself.
Never ever though do something because I TELL YOU to. Do it for you.
Gormley come back ! We were? only joking when we called you gormless. We didn't realise one day you'd be competing with plastics for publicity on beaches.
ACTIVE ARTS ADVOCATE. Writer, Director, Producer. Broadway. Off-Broadway. Author. Journalist. Interviewer. Artistic Director. London-Published Playwright. Writing Instructor to Young People.
5 年Cannibalize your best work or 'kill your darlings.'? Best to you.? --James
Human Resources Service Delivery Manager - BIPO SA - MBA. ????. Per aspera ad astra.
5 年Lisa?
Human Resources Service Delivery Manager - BIPO SA - MBA. ????. Per aspera ad astra.
5 年I love this article Logan. It is quintessentially so you. Raw, emotive, refreshing and yet always informative. Please keep it up Logan Tyler Nelson
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5 年You are absolutely right Mr. Logan