How Leaders Can Assess the Decision Making Chain of AI
How Leaders Can Assess the Decision Making Chain of AI

How Leaders Can Assess the Decision Making Chain of AI

Reasons Leaders Need to Check the Alignment of AI

Leaders succeed or fail based on their choice of people, products, and strategies. As firms become more dependent on AI, leaders will face another choice: whether their teams and partners are choosing the right algorithms. It might not be surprising that many teams choose the wrong algorithms. After all, if a leader assesses how their people make decisions, why shouldn’t they also know how their algorithms make decisions? But how can leaders tell? In the simplest terms, algorithms have inputs and outputs. The inputs are the information algorithms use to do their work. They then produce outputs in the form of generated content, predictions, and classifications. For any given output, the algorithm is right or wrong. But how right and how wrong are they? How can leaders push teams to strive for more right and less wrong algorithms? Leaders need some way of understanding these questions.

Why is this important? There are four primary reasons:

  • More AI creators means more people who don’t get the math. It has always been easy to load data into AI kits, but even this is a barrier to most people. Now that generative AI interfaces are available, knowing your speaking language is the only barrier to creating AI solutions. But underneath both AI creation methods, there is mathematical logic. The creator needs to know whether the algorithm can reliably create outputs with minimal false positives and false negatives. Unfortunately, many creators can’t even explain how their algorithms work mathematically. And it is certainly not in the interests of commercial AI providers to disclose the statistical vulnerabilities of their products.
  • If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Many teams rely on the algorithms they know. While these may have worked for one use case, they may not be the best for others. These biased choices may not align with the outcomes desired or the type of information available. For example, prompt-engineered chat-based apps are easy to train, but are probably not suited to achieving highly computational tasks and outcomes.
  • AI teams need to skate-to-the-puck. Algorithms are improving rapidly. Even the most popular algorithms may become obsolete every three to five years. If leaders don’t ask the question, teams may not seek to pivot to newer algorithms. Firms will be surprised how quickly their AI can be obsolesced if they don’t have a framework to evaluate and compare their options.
  • Information can be refined for specific algorithmic engines much like crude oil. Sources of information are improving as the algorithms improve. There are a number of new algorithms and agents that are essentially generating sources of information like agent summaries, probabilistic weights, and scores. These tertiary sources of information may prove to drive even better results for future algorithms.

A Framework to Ask the Right Questions

We developed a decision making chain and looping framework that helps leaders better understand these inputs and outputs. Our framework includes three components: 1) information, 2) decisions, and 3) outcomes. AI and human decisions must be made with incomplete information. More specifically, decisions can be made with information that may not fit the decision making method. This requires designers of new AI-to-human systems to adapt different methods based on the constraints. Therefore, within each of the three components, there is a sub-looping feature. This allows the designer or evaluator of a new decision making system to adapt new methods based on the available information. It can also be used when information is available but proves - through the entire chain - to be unreliable at producing the desired outcomes.

The chart above is an example of how you might assess your different software, human/manual, and AI assets. Even though it is more likely your solutions would combine these resources, we have placed a red, amber, green scoring on our opinions of the strengths and weaknesses of each as a primary focus for solving a decision making problem. For example, in the information sequence, humans score the lowest if your approach is to manually retrieve data, validate it, and prepare it for analysis. Software is better, but may not be able to identify all the quality issues with the dataset. AI is far better at both the retrieval, mapping, lineage, and quality checks in generating pipeline data for algorithms. In the decision making sequence, humans are adaptable but can be highly biased by recent events, fatigue, or risk aversion. Software is really a rules-based solution and can’t learn to adapt as can humans or AI. Finally, the outcomes sequence shows that humans can develop deep expertise - a skill AI agents will soon acquire. However, software is unable to learn and adapt in a similar fashion.


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About OnCorps

At OnCorps, we apply pre-trained AI algorithms (trained for 5+ years) to improve decision-making in financial operations. Here’s how we can help:

  • Save Time and Costs: Use our pre-trained algorithms and get started right away.
  • Reduce Labor: Achieve 90% labor time savings.
  • Easy AI Integration: Our AI fits right into your systems seamlessly

Areas we focus on include Complex Trade Confirms, NAV Oversight, and Financial Reporting.

Want to meet with our team? Schedule a call here.


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