How to be a leader 1: SOLVE PROBLEMS
Lawry Hobart
Author AI for Aged Care in Australia | Founder & CEO @ Bizdify | Removing Negative Content (reviews, news, anything that gets views and gives you the blues)
- Be a Problem Solver
- Be a Strategist
- Exude Confidence
- Be patient with people
- Show strength by taking risks
- Be willing to do what you get your people to do
- Lead leaders.
Today, I'm going to look at the first in my list, which is "be a problem solver." People look to problem solvers as natural leaders.
1. Be a problem solver
Where there are challenges or problems, people turn to their leaders for help, so if you want to become a real leader, you need to become the person the team turns to when they don’t know the answer.
That doesn’t mean you need to ace every position in your company and learn everything about everything, or be a "jack of all trades". But you need to prove to others that you have lateral problem solving abilities.
Even if you don’t have the solution, show you can FIND one or create one with the existing human and other resources you have.
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