How to lead a team that resents you
“My team hates me” “My team does not respect me”
Do you identify with these phrases? Well, if you do, remember you are not alone. Most individuals who lead teams often struggle with at least some members not liking them. As you work closely with your team members, you will gradually discover the secret to leading a team that may not like you at first-
Work with people, not above them
One of the reasons most members tend to resent their managers is the latter’s inability to differentiate between ‘working for’ and ‘working with.’ As a leader, you need to understand and appreciate the value each member brings to the table. Therefore, it is important to treat and refer to your team members as someone you work with and not someone who works for you.
Be fair to all
Another reason that makes people resent their bosses or managers revolves around unfair treatment. All your team members try to put in their 100%. Treating some of them as more privileged will definitely breed resentment among others. Favoritism can be sensed even in the way you talk to people. Thus, be cautious about what you say as well as of your actions.
Have faith in your team
Everyone hates a leader who tries to intervene in every small operation that goes on. How often have you heard, “I hate my boss, he/she micromanages everything.” Well, understand that your team needs their space. Have faith in them that they will turn back to you if they are stuck at some place. In other situations, have faith in their judgments and abilities.
Don’t be a bully
Nobody likes a workplace bully. Have you ever yelled at your team or blown a situation out of proportion? Well, if the answer is yes, then take a step back and introspect what forced you to do so. It is obvious that no one would like a leader who yells at them for no apparent reason. Thus, do not try to pull ranks and be rude to your team, unless it is needed. If you really wish to lead a team to make it stop resenting you.
Seek a mentor
Team management and people management go hand in hand. One good thing about team management issues is that they are already identified and being worked on successfully. Finding a mentor who has been there and done that is a wise way to reflect on the issues and perform critical thinking. Never feel that you are alone, be it the most pestering issue you are facing.
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