?? How to Lead a Team: The Executive's Role in Teamwork

?? How to Lead a Team: The Executive's Role in Teamwork

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By Gallup

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Here are the key points from the article:

Team inspiration drives business success, with an executive's focus on strategic operations behind the scenes.

Executives can inspire teamwork through defining the organization's mission, purpose and values.

Executive leaders play a pivotal role in driving the larger mission and goals of the organization, ensuring that managers and employees understand how their roles contribute to those objectives. It is essential for executives to prioritize, demonstrate discipline, and invest in managers, recognizing these traits as crucial for effective leadership. Executives must unite multiple teams under a well-defined mission and purpose, make informed decisions based on critical thinking and evidence, and inspire their teams while fostering a culture centered on teamwork rather than entitlement. By emphasizing values, purpose, and culture, executives can shape a positive organizational environment and drive business success.

Stop Hoarding Talent and Get Practical About Teamwork

Executives can enhance teamwork by encouraging talent sharing and avoiding talent hoarding, where top performers lack growth opportunities due to being consistently assigned to the same projects or individuals. By proactively rotating star talents to new roles and fostering discussions about their development, executives can mitigate retention issues and promote a collaborative work environment.

Ultimately, in the absence of executive-led cultural shaping, the culture will naturally evolve, potentially leading to the attrition of top talent within your organization.

In the end,executives must pragmatically assess teamwork dynamics, recognizing when it fuels team success or intentionally excludes collaboration. Understanding the balance between encouraging collaboration and respecting individualistic work styles, executives need to discern intentional friction for productive outcomes. Teamwork entails valuing diverse ideas and personalities, where executives navigate the fine line between achieving exceptional results and fostering strong relationships within the team.

Action Steps:

  1. Assess if your mission, purpose, and values drive business decisions rather than being token statements.
  2. Identify a business outcome to enhance, like retention or profit, and brainstorm innovative ways teamwork can influence it.
  3. Explore Gallup's CHRO insights for valuable perspectives from top HR executives worldwide.

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