How Lawyers Can Take Their LinkedIn Profile to the Next Level

How Lawyers Can Take Their LinkedIn Profile to the Next Level

LinkedIn has consistently ranked as the most trusted social media site. With 700 million users as of 2020, it is not surprising that more and more professionals are making it their platform of choice. For those new to the world of LinkedIn, the website markets itself as a social media platform that revolves around professional networking, allowing people to connect with clients, co-workers, friends, employers and employees.

As a lawyer, it is essential to create a LinkedIn profile people want to look at.

Here is a handy guide to show you the six most crucial parts of your LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Attorney Profile Picture?

Do not use a photo that is twenty years old, shows you in a group, or a full-length photo. LinkedIn profile pictures are incredibly small, and they need to showcase you as you are today. Upload a photo that is a recent, high-quality image, ideally with a light background. While we are on the subject, please check your background as well. I have seen way too many profiles with a dirty or cluttered background, and it takes my focus off you.?

LinkedIn Profile Headline

Aim for a headline that says a lot about you. Do not use inspirational quotes from your favorite author or a funny meme. Professionals are going to view this. Instead, list some of your key skills and talents. List your keywords, practice areas, what you specialize in, any awards you have received, etc. Do not be afraid to brag. Your headline needs to make you stand out.

Profile Background Image

Select an image that is professional and says a lot about you. Again, avoid cheesy quotes or memes. I recommend hiring a graphic designer to create a background image that includes your practice areas, branding, website URL, and phone number. Doing this allows people who are quickly going through profiles to discover the most vital information they need about you.



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