How to Launch a Take-Back Program

How to Launch a Take-Back Program

What they are, and how to get started

Enterprise Take-Back Programs: What They Are & How to Get Started

When Patagonia first debuted its Worn Wear Program, it was uncommon for brands to take responsibility for their products' end-of-life. Today, it’s a new standard.

Take-back programs allow customers to send back products at the end of their lives, often in exchange for discounts. The goods are then resold, donated, recycled, or downcycled.

EcoEnclose has helped many brands develop their mail-back kits. We also run a poly take-back program, giving us firsthand experience on how to run a strong program.

This EcoEnterprise newsletter provides an in-depth overview of Take-Back Programs, with details on:

Take-Back programs vary by brand and product, but each?includes four main steps.

Are They Good for the Planet?

Clothing waste in a landfill. Source: Shutterstock

Just like recyclability doesn’t solve the larger issues of the packaging industry, take-back programs alone don’t solve the primary challenge of the fashion industry - massive overproduction.

However, textile circularity is essential to a truly sustainable future for the fashion industry. Allowing customers to return goods to be turned into fabrics or other usable products helps set this foundation. Read more.

We believe take-back programs should be?part of a brand’s broader portfolio of sustainability efforts. Brands considering a take-back program should first take measures to make their products and supply chain as eco-friendly as possible. Ask?yourself these questions:

  • Are you using mainly preferred materials?
  • Are your products high quality and made to last?
  • Do you minimize overproduction and excessive inventory?
  • Are you discouraging fast fashion cycles and excessive consumption?

If so, a thoughtful Take-Back Program could round out your eco-efforts.

How to establish a program as eco-conscious as possible?

Incorporate elements of the best take-back programs on the market.?These include:

  • Opt for repair and resale whenever possible
  • Presort donations and only donate highly usable goods
  • Seek to move from downcycling into industrial goods to recycling back to textiles, ideally turning goods back into your products
  • Prioritize tracking, transparency, communication, and continuous improvement

Read More: An Overview of Takeback Programs

Smartwool partnered with EcoEnclose to produce their mail-back kits for their Second Cut? Project. Image Source: EcoEnclose

Our Newest Guide: How to Launch a Take-Back Program for Your eCommerce Brand

Ready to dive into creating your take-back program??

In our newest guide, How to Launch a Successful Take-Back Program, find an in-depth look at how to get started based on seven key steps:

  1. Establish Your Vision and Goals: How does your program fit into your sustainability framework??Read More
  2. Determine Your Plan for Goods Received: Will you resell, repair, donate, recycle, and/or downcycle? Can you turn these goods back into your products??Read More
  3. Choose Your Program Partners: Our guide has a comprehensive list of partners for each step in a take-back program. Read More
  4. Choose Your Acceptable Goods: For example, you can accept one line of your brand's products. Or all apparel, regardless of brand.?Read More
  5. Structure Your Customer Experience and Operations: Goods can be returned to you at drop-off locations or a mail-back kit. Read More
  6. Develop Your Mail-Back Kit with EcoEnclose: We consider size, shipping efficiency, circularity, and the customer experience.?Read More
  7. Launch, Monitor, Track, and Share Your Data: Share how many pounds you receive and how these goods are processed.?Read More

Read the Guide: How To Launch Your Take-Back Program

Spotlight: Smartwool - Second Cut? Project?

Smartwool partnered with EcoEnclose to produce their mail-back kits for their Second Cut? Project. Image Source: EcoEnclose

What they take: Unwanted but clean socks manufactured by any brand.

How Customers Participate: To participate, customers add a free Second Cut? Project Take-Back Mail-In Bag into their cart. The brand mails them a designated poly mailer and a prepaid shipping label, which customers can fill with socks and return.

What Customers Get for Participating: If customers send used, sellable gear through the Second Cut? Resale Program, they receive a Smartwool gift card when their returned products sell.

What Happens to Sent-Back Products: Smartwool partners with Material Return, which sorts and remanufactures socks back into yarn. Smartwool has an exciting Second Cut? Project Hike Sock made with 50% recycled Smartwool socks that come through the take-back program.

Core Circularity Partner(s): Material Return, ThredUp

Broader Sustainability Efforts: Smartwool’s Take-Back Program rounds out the brand’s in-depth and highly authentic commitment to sustainability. Other things they do to foster sustainability include setting and making progress toward targets, participating in the Responsible Packaging Movement, improving their supply chains, and more.

For more case studies of Take-Back Programs, check out:

Read: Guide to Launching a Successful Take-Back Program

Are you interested in exploring a custom take-back packaging kit? Let’s chat! Our team is here to help you develop the right mail-back materials for these nuanced programs.

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Wearing a Worn Wear-purchased sweatshirt right now. What a great program.

Lindsey Rohde

community-led growth | startup operations | builder & team leader

2 个月

Juri Freeman y’all should connect ??

It's inspiring to see how many brands are stepping up for sustainability. ?? Saloni Doshi


