How To Launch A Successful Fundraiser This Spring

How To Launch A Successful Fundraiser This Spring

Spring is officially here! The end of winter is enough to get Canadians excited. But let’s not forget that COVID-19 restrictions are easing up across the country as well. The combination makes for a season that will bring a lot of people out of their homes and into the sunshine. There hasn’t been a better time to promote your business over the past two years. One of the best ways to grow your brand is to initiate a charitable event.

Are you looking to launch a fundraiser this spring? What can you do to ensure its success?

Launch an April Fools’ Day fundraiser.

In our recent “Making Your Restaurant A Springtime Hot Spot ” blog, we stated that not enough attention has been given to this annual occasion. Business owners, however, should utilize the first of April as a day to market their brands. After all, as Ellie Burke notes on , forty percent of people are adamant participants in April Fools’ pranks.

“Tap into the fun of April 1 by partnering with local comedians or radio hosts to set up a ‘you donate and we prank’ style campaign,” she suggests, “Start by sending an email appeal to your supporters and explain the premise: ‘In exchange for a contribution, X comedian will call a friend for a prank phone call.’ The larger the donation, the more ‘severe’ the prank.”

Create an “a-thon”.

We have all heard of walk-a-thons, read-a-thons and dance-a-thons. Using a play on the word “marathon”, these types of fundraising initiatives ask participants to carry out activities over extended periods of time. Other ideas include write-a-thons, bike-a-thons and sing-a-thons. A fun way to encourage people to both do what they love and raise money for great causes, an “a-thon” is type of fundraiser generally works great in warm weather.

“How these fundraisers work is based on charity marathons, where runners register participate and then ask people they know to support them by donating to the cause they’re running for,” explains , “But, with this type of fundraiser, the participants aren’t running. They’re reading, dancing, creating art, doing improve, cycling… whatever you choose. (And it works best if you choose an activity related to your cause, but it’s not necessary!)”

Organize an Earth Day Hike.

Earth Day is on Friday, April 22. The annual event demonstrates support for environmental protection. Launched in 1970, the day includes a wide range of events that are organized by Over a billion people in nearly every country in the world participate. Organizing an Earth Day Hike will help your brand to both raise funds and position itself as eco-friendly. It’s a win-win!

“Hiking is a great outdoor activity, but it can be even better when it’s organized as a group event,” says Burke, “Have supporters register for your hike ahead of time and create their own personal fundraising pages. On the day-of, provide guides and goodie bags, and award swag to top fundraisers.”

How can Unity Payments help you to raise funds?

We offer advanced fundraising technology ! Give your donors an easy-to-use method to make donations directly to your non-profit with our fundraising kiosks. To learn all about our fundraising platform, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-661-3761 or email us at [email protected] to learn more.


