How to Launch the "Old Fashioned"? Way

How to Launch the "Old Fashioned" Way

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you have surely heard us talk about how to be successful with?online launches.?The kind of launch that relies on sales pages, webinars or challenges, lead magnets, email sequences, social media posts, and FB ads.?It’s the way that most coaches and course creators launch their offers.?But today I want to talk with you about a different kind of launch.?The good “old fashioned” launch.

You might think because I’m calling this “old fashioned” that it won’t work in today’s online world.?But there is a very specific reason you want to use this type of launch.?To launch high ticket offers like year-long coaching programs or masterminds – offers that cost $10k or more.?I’m not saying that you can’t use a traditional online launch method for high ticket offers, but it will require a lot more effort.

Recently, we started working with a new client who provides high-cost coaching services for social sector and non-profit leaders.?She is not overly active on social media, relies heavily on referrals to build her business, and has no “real” content marketing strategy in place.?What she has is relationships she has built over the years and strong experience in her field.??And I should also mention her confidence level in her ability to create transformation is strong.

So let’s talk about the strategy and deliverables you need to launch the “old fashioned” way. Without all these elements, you will struggle to convert clients.

Solid Strategy For Your Launch

All launches, no matter what kind, must start with a solid strategy.?I saw a cute quote on Instagram the other day posted by?@the_content_queen.?It said:

Launch Strategy?

Good shit.

Launch Intuition?

Watch the fuck out, world!

You truly need both.?There has to be a well-thought-out strategy for how you are going to fill your program.?At the same time, you will need your gut to guide you through the process.?Your strategy should include your vision, your why, your offer, your ideal market, your pricing, your goals, your key players, and your how. At the same time, as you work through your strategy (with a coach or launch strategist), your intuition will tell you if something feels right or wrong for you and your particular launch.

As I have spent time on the launch strategy with my new client, mapping out all the details, we are both gauging our intuitive thermometer to make sure we are on an authentic path.

An “Old Fashioned” Launch Leverages Your Relationships

Let’s face it.?Getting new clients is all about building relationships.?The tough part about many online launches is that we are often starting with a cold audience, or at least a lukewarm one.?When people don’t know, like, and trust you, it’s hard to convince them to do business with you.

If you have spent years nurturing relationships with people, the “old fashioned” launch should work well for you.?In this type of launch, you will be personally reaching out to ideal clients who you feel are a strong fit for your offer.?You are not relying on automatic email sequences to convert clients.?Real, personal conversations are the key to filling your program.

In addition to ideal client relationships, you will leverage?partnership and affiliate relationships.?In our client’s case, she is relying on investor relationships.?Who is financially invested in her ideal client’s success??Partnership relationships can include investors, organizational leaders, other business owners with a similar audience and business friends who can help you spread the word.

Remember, in this type of launch, you are having real conversations with real people who need your transformation.

Marketing Collateral That Promotes Your Offer

When you are selling a high ticket offer, you will need both conversations (often multiple) and beautifully designed marketing materials.?People want to hear about the program from you but they often need time to process and read more on their own.

There are two pieces of marketing collateral that I highly recommend you start with…

  • Online Sales Page?– your website needs to showcase your offer and outline the struggles, solution, why you’re qualified to be the leader, program particulars, and any social proof you have to build trust.?I do not recommend you include the price on this page.?Reserve that information for the sales call.
  • Marketing PDF?– a PDF, in the format of a flyer or brochure works well for emailing interested parties, handing out at networking events, or a snail mailing campaign. It will include many of the same elements as your online sales page.?Just a different way to communicate the same information.

Whatever you do, hire a?professional copywriter and designer?to complete these pieces for you.

Your Launch Needs A Strong Sales Process

Your sales process is one of the most key ingredients of the “old fashioned” launch.?Spend some time mapping this out in detail.?With our new client, I have designed a step-by-step approach for her sales process.??

  • Gather your list of targets, direct and partnership relationships?
  • Decide what your initial reach out and follow up strategy will look like
  • Make sure your process includes all email language, video approach, etc.
  • Determine your sales metrics
  • Write out your “what’s next” strategy depending on if you receive a Yes, No, or Maybe
  • Craft and memorize a solid sales script
  • Prepare your mindset, work on your confidence and get ready to sell your transformation
  • Be ready for a Plan B or Plan C if Plan A is not working

Selling high ticket offers requires you to nail this step.?Without it, your sales will suffer.

Create A WOW Factor

People pay money to be wowed!?Wow your prospects and clients every step of the way.?There are so many ways to wow people during your launch.?Consider these 10 ideas:

  1. Professionally written and designed marketing materials
  2. Surprise elements in your reach outs (video, personal card, gifts, etc.)
  3. Genuine, compassionate, and caring conversations with your people
  4. A well-organized flow and process for sales and filling your program
  5. Extra incentives for people who commit (free coaching session, VIP time)
  6. Flexible payment plans for people who need it
  7. A follow up system that demonstrates genuine concern and interest
  8. An onboarding process that makes your clients feel welcome and special
  9. A coaching program that knocks their socks off
  10. Real, transformative results early in the program

Sometimes going back to good “old fashioned” ways is exactly what your prospects and clients are craving.?Be different and create a customer for life.

If you need help launching your coaching offer, the “online” or “old fashioned” way, please reach out to us.?We are a full-service launch team that believes in white glove, highly personalized service.?For more information and to book a consultation, visit our website at?


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