How to launch - or grow - your cult in 5 days
Jody Raynsford
Author, How To Start A Cult | So you want to build a cult following? Let me show you how | Cult Brand Strategist | Speaker | Podcaster |
It's that time again when I launch my Build Your Cult 5-Day Challenge.
Every time I run the challenge, it fills me with a mixture of hope - that there are so many future Cult Leaders looking to build so many incredible communities...
... and dread - that for some reason I won't be able to deliver exactly what those who join me need.
In the latter case, I don't usually have to worry.
So many people message me to tell me what a difference doing the challenge makes.
And now you have the opportunity to join when we kick off on Monday 16th September for the next challenge.
It's completely free and you can join here:
When you've done that, check out the articles and advice below, including a few you may have missed over the last week or so.
Oh, and make sure you sign up for any of the free workshops, lives or events we have planned over the coming week.
There's a ton of help if you're looking to build your cult.
If this is your first time reading, this is the newsletter for you if...
... You are a brand marketer or marketing lead responsible for growing your brand
... You are a business or brand owner looking to kickstart your growth
... You are an entrepreneur and want to try a different approach to stand out
... You operate in a saturated market and are struggling to differentiate
... You hate the idea of copying what everyone else is doing and want to try something different (and more fulfilling, fun and impactful)
If so, do this:
>>> Subscribe right now (click that little link up in the top right-hand corner)
Subscribe, and every week, I will show you how to use the CultBrand framework to transform your relationship with your audience and grow a cult-like following.
In this issue,
If you want to explore the CultBrand method more deeply, check out the training, workshops, and challenge events coming up soon.
And, as always, if you've not read the book and want to buy on Kindle, paperback or audiobook, go to
Let's roll...
[Future Cult Leader] How Leila is using cult principles to grow her F*** Mum Guilt cult movement
Next week on Tuesday 17th September, I'll be joined in the Cult Leaders - How To Start A Cult community by Leila Green, speaker, book coach and founder of the F*** Mum Guilt movement.
Join the group here to register for the live call:
Think you're busy? Leila not only has to run a business but also manage three gorgeous little ones as a 'triplet mama'. Her experience has shown her the challenges mums go through, including societal attitudes, obstacles in the way and even so-called pro-mum social media influencers who play on 'mum guilt' to grow their following.
Leila will be talking about her polarising message, enemies and how she's growing her cult following.
This is going to be great by the way - Leila really has leaned into the role of Cult Leader and she's been flying as we've been working together. I can't wait to share with you how she's done and learn from her journey so far.
You can follow Leila on LinkedIn here:
[Read] The problem with 'authenticity
'Be authentic' is not just bad advice.
It doesn't actually make any sense.
Click here to discover why in the full post.
[Read] Why one DVD by post rental service is still thriving... and what it tells you about building a cult following
When did Netflix end its DVD by post service...
The answer may surprise you
Click here to read the full post.
Building a cult following is a choice
YOU choose how you build your brand.
Choose to be different rather than follow the herd.
Choose to lead rather than follow.
Choose to show up as you rather than be something you're not to please someone else.
Choose your relationship with your audience.
Choose the Rebel Path rather than the well-trodden path.
Choose wisely.
Choose to start a cult.
[Read] 5 things I've learnt from running a 30-Day Challenge
On 1st September, I launched our first 30-Day Challenge called Countdown To Courage: 30 Days To Fearlessness.
And so far, it's been brilliant, surprising, eye-opening and really quite wonderful to see the breakthroughs many of the challengers are having.
And we're nearly at the halfway point...
(There's still time to join and catch up if you want in... click here to get in while you still can:
One of the things I've discovered after 100s of Cult Consults with brands, business, coaches and community leads who are looking to build a cult following is their challenge is not always want to do.
In many cases they know EXACTLY what to do.
Heck, I even gave you a book that laid out EXACTLY what to do.
(Available in all good book shops, by the way.... here)
But, often, that's not the issue.
Stepping into the role of becoming the Cult Leader and doing all the things you need to do to start and grow your cult following sometimes needs a paradigm shift.
No amount of self-help books, video training programs or affirmations will help with that.
But shifting your thoughts through taking action every day?
Holy-incredible-mind-blowing-changes-afoot Batman!
It actually works.
And already - after 13 days of the challenge, we can see changes.
I've learnt a lot too.
And so to mark nearly hitting halfway, here are 5 things I've learnt doing the challenge:
1 - Running a challenge is easy when you know you can help those doing the challenge make a big difference to how they think and act. Writing the daily challenge flows through me and excites me. I want to do the challenge I'm delivering. That's a good sign
2 - People go at their own pace. I could repeatedly kick everyone up the ass for not sticking to the schedule. But that's not people work. I keep emphasising that you can catch up. And many have.
3 - Starting slow and working up, works. Getting people to take massive action on Day 1 feels disruptive and game-changing... but in reality you put off half the people who take the challenge. (Yes, yes, I know that's one of my MOs but not for these challenges)
4 - People want to see changes. Bear than in mind when you run a challenge of your own. They're not resisting you because they're a-holes. It's all part of why they are doing the challenge in the first place
5 - The challenge has to feel challenging. Even when people think they have completed the day's activities, you have to hold them to account. You have to challenge them if you feel like they should be pushing more, doing more or if they've phoned it in.
In this challenge, the idea is to push you out of your comfort zone.
The thing is, your comfort zone is a very... well... comfortable place and your mind will do what it can to avoid it - even if your mouth is telling me that you want to get out of your comfort zone.
That's why every doing the challenge thinks I'm mean.
I'm not.
I'm just right. :)
I'll update you on the progress as we near the end of the challenge.
There's still time to join if you want to push outside your comfort zone and become a bolder, more courageous version of yourself.
Here's the link to join:
Cult Training and Workshops
Monday 9th September
The 5-Day Build Your Cult Challenge (Free Challenge)
Join the free Cult Challenge and get everything you need to start or grow your cult following in just five days. Click below to join and get access on 1st August when it starts.
>>> Register here:
Monday 30th September
Cult Leader Academy Intake Opens (Paid Coaching and Support Program)
The Cult Leader Academy opens its doors to a new intake in September 2024 to help more businesses, brands and community leaders transform their audience into a cult following. Whether you're starting anew or kickstarting the growth, join the waitlist to be first to get in.
>>> Join the waitlist here:
October 2024
[Rescheduled] The No.1 Bestselling Cult Launch Campaign (Paid Live Workshop)
I hit No.1 in three categories on Amazon using this simple, last-minute, counterintuitive campaign strategy, and it became the blueprint for every launch I've done since. It's simple, fun and highly profitable - and now you can learn the same strategy to knock your launches out of the park.
>>> Book your place on the live training here:
Ready to build a cult following? Here's how to get started:
Get the book, How To Start A Cult
Read the best-selling book and Business Book Awards finalist on ebook, paperback or audiobook to discover the 7-step process to build a cult following.
Join the Cult Leader community
Jump on over to the free How To Start A Cult - Cult Leader community on Facebook for regular live workshops and sessions on growing your cult following and building your brand. Click here to join the community.
Join the waitlist for the Cult Leader Academy program
The next intake for the Cult Leader Academy program opens soon, including step-by-step video training on every component of the CultBrand method, live strategy calls with me and tools, resources and challenges to keep you moving forward. Join the waitlist here.
Book a 1-2-1 consultation with me
If you're ready to invest in growing your brand faster and want to book a consultation with me, there are limited spots each month. DM me for more details on our 1-2-1 consulting options, or book a call here.