How to Land Your Dream Job

How to Land Your Dream Job

We get it. Looking for a job is not easy, especially if you want to find something with a stable outlook. You also want to see yourself working there long-term. Wouldn’t it be great if you could find your dream job and achieve the self-actualization that comes with attaining a fulfilling career?

Consider where you want to go. What is your plan for getting there? We'll explain how to find your dream job and what you can do to land it.

How to Find Your Dream Job

Step 1. Look into the trajectory of your career

When you are on the hunt for your dream job, this is the perfect opportunity to take a step back and assess the trajectory of your career. Consider the following questions.

  • What is your dream and where do you want to end up?
  • What skills or experience do you need to get there?
  • What previous positions do you need on your resume to be considered?

Very few people land their dream job immediately. Most people take jobs that help them accumulate experience, and that experience leads them to the dream job. Does your current plan align with your dream? If not, take the time to refocus and create a new plan that may bring you more happiness and career fulfillment in the future.

Step 2. Pick your target firm(s)

Do the research. Figure out whether you want to work remotely or onsite. Do you like mountains and evergreens, or does the image of beach life appeal to you? This will factor into your location search.

Here are a few key attributes you may want to investigate before picking your target 2-3 firms.

Firm trajectory

  • Are they growing?
  • Do they offer opportunities for diverse work?
  • Do they give back to the community?

 Long-term fulfillment

  • Do the benefits fit your phase of life and interests?
  • Do you share the same core values?
  • Do they have a mentorship program?
  • Do they offer leadership opportunities?
  • Could you see yourself working there a few years, more?

Note: We advise against mass applying to multiple organizations without researching what the job offers you in terms of career advancement and overall job satisfaction. This could lead to unnecessary rejections since your resume and cover letter are not customized to match hundreds of job descriptions.

Bonus! The research part of your journey, by customizing your firm search, will lend itself well to the future interview process.

Once you pick your target firm or firms, take notes on how long they have been in business and what their target industries are. In the interview, they will ask you, “So, what do you know about us?” You want to be prepared with an answer.

You also want your personal interests to align with the firm’s industries, if possible. Are you interested in city planning that is inclusive of all income levels? Then becoming an affordable housing CPA could be just the career move you need.

How to Land Your Dream Job

Step 3. Research your interviewers

Look at the LinkedIn profile for your target firm or firms. Visit the “People” tab and look for managers, supervisors and decisionmakers who may potentially attend your interview in person or through a video conference.

You can also look at their background. Note any correlation between their job history and yours. Do they hold the job title you want to hold in 2-10 years? Do you share similar past or current job titles? This could be an easy giveaway to let you know you are on the right track, that you will soon attain your dream job.

Step 4. Bring a list of questions to the interview

Interviewers like to be asked questions. Why?

  • It shows you care
  • It shows you are engaged
  • It shows you did your research
  • It shows you are driven to succeed

At the end of the interview, make sure to ask how they will make their decision and when you can expect to hear from them. It shows your interest, and it will help you avoid some anxiety about how and when you might hear back from them.

Now all there is left for you to do is send your follow-up email. A follow-up thank you note by email or regular mail is a great added touch to show your appreciation and interest in the firm. Not everyone does it, so this helps you to stand out.

Now imagine you are already working there. The power of positive thinking goes a long way!

Next: Overcome New Job Nerves

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