How to Land a Remote Job
Before the pandemic, a remote job was a utopian ideal that some chosen few were lucky enough to land. This is already changing due to the fact that more companies are forced to adopt a “work from home(WFH)” mindest.
You might be in a situation where you need to find a remote job. The only problem with finding a distributed team to work with is that in many cases you are now competing with the world for the position.
I have compiled a list of tips that I used in my personal journey to finding a remote job. I cannot guarantee it, but I hope it will help you in your WFH journey.
How to Improve your Chances to Land a Remote Job
Right. So you need a remote job. Here is a list of tips that I used that helped me land my position at Paid Memberships Pro, plus a few others that I have picked up throughout the years of being a digital nomad. Good Luck! Let me know how it goes.
1. It’s Not What You Know
You might have heard this saying before. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. This has been true for most of my career. You see, if you are unknown in your industry it is quite difficult to land a remote job. Why? Because of your unknown status, you need to rely on your skill set, experience, and education to get you through to the next job application.
You might be a very capable, educated, and experienced professional. The one problem is that you are going up against a sea of top candidates. Location is no longer an issue. The world can apply for that same job.
In order to improve your chances of success there are two things you could try:
- Networking
- Make content
Both of these might be scary. I get it. But the benefits are really amazing. You might also be thinking that it is impossible to network right now. But while the world is still adjusting to things, you can safely jump on a variety of virtual summits.
Meet new people, make friends, and be yourself. You will do great. Meeting new people and making new connections has been the biggest contributing factor to my career. Also, it what helped me get my current remote job.
On the flip side of meeting new people, you can also start creating content. Sharing knowledge is a great way to help others while exposing what you know to the outside world. Possibly even scarier than networking, content creation involves putting yourself out there and getting all sorts of criticism – or none at all.
However, there is a lot to learn in content creation. Give it a chance. Learn as much as you can from all the aspects of this craft.
2. Level Up
Knowing someone in a position to give you a job is great. But if you are unable to do the job you apply for at all, you might not make it past the interview. If you sense you lack the skills needed to do the job you can take an online course, do some volunteer work, or even try reaching out as an intern for the company you want to work at.
All of which, will depend greatly on your situation and circumstances. To give you an idea, I would study online courses in the evening each night for an hour or two. I would learn about web applications, web design, and graphic design. All of this was done while I was working at a construction job.
Keep in mind that this can take time. But also remember, that you never know where the effort you do today will lead you tomorrow.
Why not try Treehouse to level up your web development skills, or Skillshare to level up everything in between!
3. Go For It!
Just try it. Go on. Take a shot – apply for that job. Even if it is out of your league, you never know. Things might just work out for you. Maybe you will have training on the job, maybe it will lead to another position.
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