How To Know If You're In The Right Career Path

How To Know If You're In The Right Career Path

We all aspire to grow in our careers, but it's easy to get lost in the day-to-day routine and lose sight of our long-term goals. That's why it's important to regularly reflect on our progress and ask ourselves key questions that can guide us in our professional life.

Today, we will go through the symptoms you might be getting from this dilemma you have, we will identify whether it's your job or if it's truly your career that you're unhappy with, and finally, we will go through some key questions you can ask yourself before making any decision.

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So, how does it feel?

Here are 10 signs that you might be in the wrong career:

  1. You dread going to work each day and feel a sense of relief when the workday is over.
  2. You have little passion or interest in the work you do, and it feels like a chore.
  3. You feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied with your work, and it doesn't align with your values or goals.
  4. You're not growing professionally or personally, and you feel stuck in your current position.
  5. You're not being challenged or utilizing your skills to their fullest potential.
  6. You're not being recognized or rewarded for your hard work and contributions.
  7. You don't have a good relationship with your boss or colleagues, and there's a lack of teamwork and support.
  8. Your work-life balance is out of whack, and you're sacrificing your personal life for your career.
  9. You're experiencing physical or mental health issues due to work-related stress.
  10. You're constantly daydreaming about doing something else or pursuing a different career path.

People change, and so do goals and aspirations

It's important to understand that it's normal to be getting these feelings, but most importantly, not to be ashamed of them. Oftentimes, we avoid "facing" or "admitting" that we are getting these doubts because we feel this "social guilt" that we unconsciously add to the situation - and this can be both self-inflicted or something that your social circle, and even your family, makes you feel.

Whether it's because we feel like "we've been building this career our whole life, so there's no way we're starting over at a different one" or "we've spent a lot of money and switching careers feels like we're throwing all away", there will always be a reason to ignore these feelings and "get through the day", every day, no matter how unhappy you are.

Not everything is black or white, keep in mind that there's a range of grays too

Switching careers can also mean switching branches within your same career. We are not saying to leave everything behind and start over; while this can be a good solution for some people, the truth is that it's not for everybody.

Everyone has responsibilities, you might even have a family to take care of, so waking up one day and making a 180° career switch without a plan is not the best approach.

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So, what should you do then?

The first thing you must do is: ask yourself questions.

Find the root of your lack of motivation, and once you figure out what it is that makes you feel this way, you'll be able to think about the next step.

  • Do I want a career change or just a new job?
  • What are the best and worst parts of my current job?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • Are you experiencing high levels of stress or burnout in your current job?
  • Have you lost passion for the work you do or the industry you're in?
  • Have I developed new interests or skills that are not being utilized in my current job, and am I passionate about pursuing a different career path?

By reflecting on these questions and being honest with yourself, you can gain a better understanding of whether or not a career change may be necessary for your personal and professional growth.

You're not alone

While this big decision can feel overwhelming, you're not the only one that feels this way.

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According to Prudential Financial , 27% of people change careers in search of a better work-life balance, making it the primary reason for a career change in 2021. 26% of employees make career changes to get a larger salary, and another 26% are looking to try something new.

So no matter at what stage of your professional life you're in right now, it's okay to feel this way. In fact, In a survey by American Institute for Economic Research - AIER , 82% of respondents reported having successfully switched to a new career after the age of 45. So even if you feel like you've come a long way, know that you can also be part of those who made career changes later in life and be successful in your new job or career.?

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You might - or might not - be getting all these signs. However, you also must know that getting one or two might be a good reason to start asking yourself some questions. This does not mean that you must switch careers and that you made a bad mistake in choosing that career in the first place (so don't panic!).

Asking yourself questions is healthy for you, it allows you to keep track of your feelings, also known as being self-aware.

"Oh, here they go again talking about self-awareness!"

That's right! Over the last 3 articles that we've been so happy to write for you, the key component in every article has been the power of self-awareness. You could have the "most wonderful" job in the world, you could have the right skill set to be outstanding at what you do, your boss can be great and so can your coworkers, but, if you're not happy where you're at right now, any of that will matter, you will continue being unhappy.

The only person that can read your mind, is you. So ask yourself questions every now and then, keep track of where you're at and where you want to be, and don't be afraid to ask the "why?"s of those answers. By questioning the reason behind your feelings, you'll get a pretty good idea of what you need to conquer those obstacles that you might have.

Remember: you're the only one who can make - or not make - the decisions to improve your professional life and your happiness overall.

We got your back

If you made your decision, or maybe you need some guidance to ask yourself the right questions, there are mentors who specialize in career changes that can help you make the best decision for you!

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