How to Know if Your Budget is Reasonable
Planning for your future starts with each paycheck that you receive. As you decide how to spend or invest your money wisely, you create not just the present but also your own future. And so, we always remind our clients that establishing a reasonable budget now will contribute to a happy retirement later. But what is considered reasonable and how do you know your budgeting skills are up to par?
Just ask yourself if your budget meets these standards:
If you can say that your budget meets these standards, then congratulations! You’ve mastered the art of budgeting. But if not, don’t despair. Anyone can learn better budgeting skills at any time, and begin the process of preparing better for the future.?
And if you need help deciding how much to save for retirement each pay period, or have any other questions about financial planning, give us a call. We can help you make the decisions now that lead to a more stable retirement someday.?