How to know when you are ready to launch your company
Michael C. Fanning
Learning and Development | Talent Management | Employee Engagement | Training | Coaching | Leadership & Management Development | Tech & Product | Author & Public Speaker | ex Delivery Hero
A great philosopher from France named Rene Descartes once said;
“Reason is the most equally distributed thing among all men”. — Rene Descartes
He believed that no matter how divergent we tend to become as we build up as an individual and grow into our own personalities, all of us still hold within, the ability to think or reason. In the twenty first century however, it has become the norm to accept to give up on one’s ability to think in exchange for a salary or valuable assets.
Times have become so economically uncertain that over ninety five percent of the global population of the world has mortgaged its capacity to believe in the possibility of making their own dreams come true. Because dreaming nowadays is just a luxury that most of us just cannot afford anymore. It is just way too expensive to think since the time spent on doing some personal thinking for our own success will always clash with the calendar of our boss, to whom we gladly sold our creative genius, our ability to think.
Therefore, you will know when you are ready to start your very own business whenever you will start claiming back your dreams and most importantly when you will no longer be afraid to spare as much needed of your time in order think it through. And when you get to that point, it does not matter whether you have a product or not, a brand or not, a clientele or not, because you will have unleashed the entrepreneurial spirit in you.
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The following points will lead you to ascertain your current level of readiness:
? The quality of your creativity:
Undeniably, every business starts with an idea, which itself starts with the ability of the person conceiving the idea to think about all aspects of that same idea. And even when most people think of a particular idea as a bad or a good idea, what they are simply missing to realize is that the idea in itself was neither good nor bad. However, it is the thinking done around the same idea that leads it to yield either positive or negative outcomes. Another way of saying this is, there will never be any shortage of brilliant business concepts or ideas because a brilliant business concept is nothing more than a simple idea conceived in the imagination of a thoughtful and audacious entrepreneur. Your first hint is thus how confident and reliant you are on the fruit of your own mind. Are you going to believe that your idea is worthy of success when everyone around you will say the opposite? If the answer is yes, then you might be more ready than you think.
? The materialization of your creativity.
An idea is just an idea until it is turned into tangible forms. It is very easy to sit down and start telling everyone about how great your ideas are and how much they could revolutionize the way we live by changing the world as we know it. Entrepreneurs do not sit down to tell ideas, they only sit down to either conduct a business meeting or to write down every single new business ideas that crosses their busy minds. So, until you start writing down these amazing ideas so the world could start having a glimpse of their greatness without you having to open your mouth, you still are not ready.
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? How many will buy-into your creativity.
Your business idea might never make it past the power point presentation’s phase if it is never endorsed by a believer other than you. It all starts to become more real whenever there is that individual that comes on board to help you enlarge the vision and contribute with all sorts of resources, whether human or financial. At this stage, you know you won’t carry all the burden on your shoulders and it is a big sign that you are actually ready to make the big leap towards becoming that successful entrepreneur you have always dreamed to be. Please note that this additional believer or new partner might actually be somebody you would have never considered doing business with such as a spouse, a neighbor, your parents or even an institution sometimes. So be flexible in considering who you entrust with your business idea.
? How much you buy-into your own creativity.
The last point that is mission critical throughout the development life-cycle of your product is the maintenance of focus. As an entrepreneur, you must understand that being ready to launch is a matter of allocating resources at the right places and at the right time. Therefore, you cannot afford to have a scattered mind about which concept to start with or start switching interests in a particular idea after you and your business partners agreed to commit to plan, develop and implement a totally different business concept. You have to concentrate all your energy into that one and only project. Not two or three or four but just that one idea and pursue its market’s acceptance. At least, get to have a few sales from genuine buyers before you even begin to think of upgrading the quality of your current product or service. It is always when you dedicate yourself to gaining knowledge of a certain solution that you want to create, with the sole purpose to facilitate the way people do life everyday that you will be well on your way to success. And luckily enough, this might just happen before you even know it.
In short, all there is to remember when reaching the friction point between the generation of the idea and its implementation is that making that big scary jump towards becoming your own boss is about claiming your true identity. Being a risk-taker has to define who you are. Being called an entrepreneur has very little to do with a title or status, it is rather all about your attitude toward life in general. It is an identity.
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Entrepreneurs were not born to depend on the thinking of another person in order to fulfill their destiny. This is because they are among the few individuals on the planet that keep reminding themselves that one’s destiny is nothing else but the sum of all the outcomes produced by the execution of their own thoughts. They are in the business of making their own fate happen through learning, customizing their knowledge to fit into the creativity of their minds and render their inventiveness possible with lots of hard work and perseverance. As a result, you will definitely know that it’s high time you jump off the cliff without a parachute and start building a plan on your way down when you can no longer stand to be constantly told how much you should earn and how hard you should work to deserve earning it.?
8 年Great read thanks just what I was needing!
student at UWC
9 年Claiming your true identity... That is what being an entrepreneur is all about. Great read! I have learned a lot...