How To Know If Self Funding Is Right For Your Business
If you’ve considered self-funding an option for your health insurance plan, you’ve probably heard the following:
It’s too risky.
You’re not big enough.
I’ve seen companies go bankrupt because they were self-funded.
It’s easy to focus on the fears, especially when there are so many unknowns. However, a deeper dive may uncover that it’s not so scary after all.
If self-funding your health insurance plan is something you’re looking into, let me help you gain clarity. Here are a few of the pros and cons you need to consider:
Self-funding is the most effective way to control your health insurance costs, but you have to go into it with confidence. I hope the points shared above will give you the confidence to determine if it’s a good fit for you.
If you’re still unsure, let’s connect. In one strategy call, we can help you determine what is the right plan for you.
Schedule a free strategy call -?
Clarity leads to confidence, confidence leads to cost control!