How To Know If A Health Insurance Captive Will Work For Me?

How To Know If A Health Insurance Captive Will Work For Me?

Who performs better inside a group captive insurance plan?

When two women wear the same outfit or two men wear the same suit, frequently the question is, who wore it better?

For me, the insurance question is, who performs better- inside a group captive plan?

You can join a captive from fully insured into a self-insured captive program or you can join from self-insured into a self-insured captive, but which group typically performs better?

Well, I've combed through all the data, and the conclusion from across the country is that the fully insured groups perform better than the self-insured groups.


When you have a self-insured health insurance plan, you already have access to all of your claims data. But when you have a fully-insured health plan, you have no access to your claims data. So the fully insured plans perform better when moved to a captive because you can now see your claims data!

What does that tell us?

Perhaps fully insured products are a tad overpriced?


Jay Booth l President at Capital Group Benefits的更多文章

