How To Knock Your Competition Out Of The Ring
There's a lot of competition in the online space.
It seemed noisy and crowded when I started my coaching business in 2014, but today it's even crazier.
Back in the "old days", when I was a young-ish whippersnapper online, you could get away with being less active.
I knew plenty of entrepreneurs who did one post a day on their social media platform of choice, or sent the odd email out to their list and that was it.
Nowadays, you have to do more (the top players in your space aren't holding back).
People are being bombarded by so many messages from every which direction, that only occasionally seeing yours won't make much of a dent.
But it's not just about frequency - it's also about building a relationship with your followers.
In the next few years, I predict that relationship-building will become even more important online and will be a big secret weapon for entrepreneurs who do it right.
One way to build a strong relationship is with daily emails.
Just yesterday, a person on my email list from the UK replied to rib me about a typo in an email that I sent out earlier in the week (I'm not proud to admit that I typed "coffee" instead of "coffin", bad Marc ...).
That same subscriber was also one of the first subscribers to my Secret Coach Club print newsletter back in March 2017, and she got to know me from reading my emails before that.
When you email your people daily, you're showing up in their inboxes more than their loved ones.
That's right - they're probably hearing from you more than their parents or their kids (depending on their age).
And if you give them something that helps them, or brightens their day, or challenges them to think differently, then they'll look forward to reading your emails.
They'll sometimes joke around with you when you make a typo too ...
By building this kind of relationship with your people, you won't have to worry about competitors in your space.
To learn how I use daily emails to stand out from my competition, grab my Daily Email System.
Just three days remain for the special early bird pricing and bonuses - you can get it here: