How kind are you really and why does it matter?

How kind are you really and why does it matter?

What does ‘being kind’ mean for you and what does it create in your mind when you think of it?

For many showing kindness is sharing generosity with others, such as giving something or doing something to help a person or people. It can be seen as something one does to help another. But where does ‘self-kindness’ fit into your vision of Kindness?

For most its something that you do for others and not for yourself, that’s selfish and being self-absorbed, right! Yet a loving act of kindness is as important to be shared from you (externally) as well as to you (internally) - being kind to yourself, its being balanced!

Maybe your one of the many who find it easy to give kindness but struggle to give it to yourself or receive it!

You can be kind by your actions and thoughts. An action is seen, even if its just by you, such as picking up piece of rubbish from the street, popping money into a charity box or kind words to the checkout operator. But what is more important are your kind thoughts because they impact not just you but the person/people you are thinking about. Now you are sharing an energy that touches the world energetically. Kind thoughts uplift and contribute to the big bubble of ‘kindness’ energy (morphic fields). Conversely, non-kind thoughts add to the bubble of shite (technical term) energy.

Become conscious of your thoughts, they touch far more than you realise. Constant sharing reinforces your 'neural pathway' to naturally think kind thoughts, they become a habit. It’s called growth.

If you want to explore this or want some help, then drop me an email!

Roy xx

Roy Martin MBE helps professional people get direction and Soulful purpose in life by doing what they love. Getting focus and a new vision by overcoming fears, stuckness and concerns over life or career changes. He guides them to follow their inner calling and talents, whether that’s personally, professionally or in business. To do the things they love, and are passionate about!

He runs personal mentoring programmes that take people on a journey of self discovery to be themselves and achieve their Truest Self.


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