How to be a Kind Communicator

How to be a Kind Communicator

I am proud to be an Executive Communication Coach that cares about the calm and balance in human beings. My body of work is based on kind communication, matched with spirituality, mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

There was so much I thought I knew before I got coached and boy am I glad I got my head on straight in my earlier years. I see much more through my intuition than the judgement of my ego. I’m learning, growing, falling and rising on a weekly basis, and for those of you who want to own vulnerability with me, enjoy this life lesson on greatness.

Greatness is when you can achieve total authenticity and you are free of the burdens that most others carry around who suffer on purpose internally. Ouch! Truth. The mind can play big tricks, so kind communication training and coaching can unlock a large understanding for the ego to transform “the self” towards a higher vibration.

Here’s the kicker: Because most people operate on a low vibration, when higher vibrational people come into the mix, they are considered the outcast. They are slightly ridiculed and are seen as “different”. Status quo can create a million cliques, can’t it? But when you get these tools, you simply don't care anymore about mediocrity and you keep rising while many around you remain statuesque and grey.

Don’t suffer on purpose with mediocrity. Don’t blend in with the traditional conformists, because if you do, you’ll be in ego, I almost guarantee it. I see it daily in offices and in conversations, through email, Teams chats and meetings. I even notice how those who blend in are quick to hide from cameras and have what I call, a superiority complex, because working from home can easily develop the personalities of mean, evil, twisted, passive-aggressive and unkind people because their face is hidden and so is yours. There’s a huge lack of accountability here, but that’s for another article.

What I suggest is to stop playing small and BE A KIND COMMUNICATOR.

Being a kind communicator has little to do with being nice; I mean, of course, it’s nice to be nice, but it’s more important to be clear, direct and authentic- vs. mediocre and a blend-in. Unless, that’s what you’re going for, or if you're just going for easy. If not, we’ve got work to do.

Here are some simple tips of being a kind communicator.

  1. Don’t be a passive-aggressive person. I said it. The cat is out of the bag. If you’re in your ego, boy oh boy, not only does the office know it but my darling, your interior, your mind-body connection is quite the opposite, it's unconnected, and I’m sure it doesn’t feel good in your tummy.?
  2. Be patient. Patience is such a huge leadership trait and when you can slow down, appreciate and find gratitude for the little things, you’ll be more aware and people may like you more; plus your leadership style will elevate when you’re seen as a patient person.
  3. Step away from people-pleasing. This horrible habit is a trait of the ego, but it soon gives you burn-out and resentment and that can also lead to a yucky dark feeling in your tummy.

I refer to the tummy area because I’m a yoga instructor and the gut area speaks volumes for confidence, emotional intelligence and balance in a person.

I have plenty more tips so stick around and please follow me. I offer keynotes, workshops and business retreats to help companies fully develop their teams through this methodology which can create a breakthrough in the tension.

Have the most incredible day and if you’d like to schedule a 1:1 with me, please do so here.

Also, I’m hosting a HEALING THROUGH WORDS Workshop on April 13th. You may want to join! Click here to learn more.

Communication and Self-Development Books

Elizabeth Barry is an executive coach and marketing consultant with 20 years of experience coaching leaders towards success. She’s been blessed to curate 17 TEDx events from concept to completion including helping speakers write and share their talks for the stage. She has 6 books based on self-development and as a result of her work, clients are motivated, productive and happy. Elizabeth is a vessel of emotionally powerful love that will transform your business, career, communication and voice with positivity and inspiration. Learn more at


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