How Kidney Stones Can Hurt Your Bottom Line!
How Kidney Stones Can Hurt Your Bottom Line!
Yuk Yuk
But seriously folks...I gotta' million of them.
Well, actually just six which are exampled in the acronym below; H.E.A.L.T.H..
Your personal health is directly attached to your professional health as was vividly demonstrated during a recent bout when kidney stones that made a debut into my very busy and demanding schedule. As my kidneys and bladder were suddenly brought to my attention.
The result...
"...everything that I thought was important
immediately became unimportant in the face of PAIN!"
It became hugely important to address the issue at hand, extreme pain, discomfort, fear and uncertainty! Just like in business!
These same attributes are the bane of every entrepreneur and business person, male or female, rich or poor, millionaire or pauper. An important note here, women fare much better than men, three to one, in their expectation of avoiding such an experience that kidney stones deliver. Possibly lifestyle or just plain physiology. Either way, kudos to them for the lack of participation in this lesson.
"Females experiences far less
opportunity for kidney stones than males."
So let's examine the nuances and similarities of personal concerns and professional concerns and why this is absolutely important to survival.
- Kidney stones are unexpected but preventable.
- Business failure is predictable and controllable.
- Kidney stones can strike with ferocity and relentless cruelty.
(Just ask me about it) - Federal oversight and compliance can strike with even greater abandon, indifference and disparity.
- Kidney stones form slowly but strike swiftly.
- Just as you think your success becomes comfortable and expected.
- Business success faints just as your guard slowly deteriorates with complacency and confidence.
- Kidney stones will make you beg for relief at any price from anyone.
- Business failure will make you beg for guidance and support at any cost from anyone.
This chronicle of personal health issues are similar to those business issues in the need for immediate mitigation unless the ultimate result that looms ahead, (whether perceived or imagined) comes to fruition. You can see the similarities.
Fail to prepare and you will succeed in failing. I knew this when I was told to increase my fluid intake to prevent a visit from the kidney stone fairy...again! Did I listen...No.
Yes, this was the third time. Will I never learn? We'll see.
What must one do to learn a valuable lesson in business without the experience of failure? Why repeat others failures when we can clearly see that judicious administration of preventative measures can not only mitigate but almost absolutely control and avoid the pain of failure.
Follow the acronym guidelines to help ensure personal and professional health!
H - Hold your humanity in the same hand as you hold your future
E - Expect the best and the worst and prepare for it
A - Accept what you can change and what you cannot change
L - Learn from others experiences and your experiences
T - Trust in that preparation is the best medicine
H - Help guarantee your success with inspiration and action
Improvement is always the intuitive result of innovation, preparation and attention when directed by the experience of failure. No greater examples of innovation are where the experience of failure has written the rule book of future success.
The sweetest victory are the spoils of the tough battles. With this, I say that we need to embrace failure with the same enthusiasm as we embrace success...and then model our efforts thus so.
"The best lessons earned come from the hardest lessons learned."
- Mark Zupo / From the book; THE MATH OF SUCCESS
Mark Zupo is a dynamic top-selling author on leadership and a leader in personal development coaching in Atlanta, Georgia. His career spans more than 30 years of technical management, business and academic disciplines. His relationship-building human factors and engagement skills are essential to an avid growth and development strategy. Mark has championed his academic career as a leadership influence and innovator.
P.S. Watch for Mark's next book, "How I Never Climbed Mt. Everest" due out this fall 2016.
Google Mark Zupo for more.