How Key Actions Can Improve Your Value Stream
This is a shell of a chapter in my upcoming book on FLEX. It lists ten actions FLEX recommends and the challenges that they help remediate. The actions are:
- Strategic Planning & Lean portfolio management
- Use MBIs
- Organize teams around a product mindset
- Have an effective intake process
- Train teams in Team-Agile with ATDD with BDD
- Effective train formation
- Program level planning
- Teams working together with cadence and synchronization
- Coordinate shared services
- DevOps Stage 1
Before showing how certain actions remediate certain challenges, take a look at figure 1. This is a representation of an effective organization's value stream.
Now look at Figure 2. This is a list of the common challenges most organization face.
Take a few minutes to see how many of these you have. Most organizations have 50-80% of these.
Note how three of these:
- Use MBIs
- Have an effective intake process
- Train teams in Team-Agile with ATDD with BDD
each has a profound affect on the entire value stream. They also work well together.
I will be writing up why each action helps solve the challenges I mark in light green, but for now, see if you can see why. Please let me know if this is helpful or not. If it isn't I'll take the post down until I can finish this part of the book.
Thanks in advance.
Strategic Planning & Lean portfolio management
Use Minimum Business Increments
Lean product management is critical but must be driven by working on small items of the greatest value. MBIs assist all of these because working on small, high-value items enables finishing quickly which solves a multitude of problems.
Organize teams around a product mindset
<picture coming>
Have an effective intake process
Train teams in Team-Agile with ATDD with BDD
Effective train formation
Program level planning
Teams working together with cadence and synchronization
Coordinate shared services
DevOps Stage 1 ( dev and ops working together but not getting to CICD)
There are two phases to DevOps. The first is just having it. That is, developers and ops working together. The other is achieving CICD.