How to Keep your Office Flu- Free this Spring :
Manu Sareen
Founder & CEO at Green Facilities Management Ltd |Eco-friendly Commercial Cleaning | Innovative Products to Reduce Infection and combat viruses like Covid.
The common perception about flu is that of a winter illness but last year U.K. was hit by worst Spring-Flu outbreak in five years. (Source: Mirror)
Flu is spread by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose. Cleaning can help and can reduce the spread of viruses by 80 to 90 %.
Following simple practices can help most Office Managers to keep the office environment FLU FREE this Spring:
1. Wash Hand Reminders -Posts humorous reminders about hand washing in the break- rooms, kitchen areas and washrooms. Use funny posters, emails so it doesn't feel like you are telling people what to do.
2. Use your elbow - Teach employees to cough into their elbows instead. Who wants to shake the hand of someone who has just sneezed all over it?
3. Sanitising Regularly - Frequently touched objects like Elevator buttons, Staff room sink faucet handles, Microwave door handle, Water fountain buttons, Vending machine buttons and most importunately telephone, keyboard, and mice
Green FM can provide you hand sanitisers, wipes, hand-gel etc. and can also help you with Specialist deep cleans like sanitising computer keyboards , telephones and steam cleaning of the washroom and kitchen areas. Please contact me directly on 07766886124 or email [email protected] .