How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution, Raise Your Game and Super Charge Your Achievements
Tony Selimi
Assisting Entrepreneurs, Leaders & High Achievers Climb Greater Heights in Life & Business | Global Authority on Human Behaviour | Executive Coach | Bestselling Author | AI & Leadership Strategist | Keynote Speaker
Happy New Year 2020
It is the perfect year to...
- leave your failures, worries and problems in the past...
- step out of your familiar and comfort zone...
- develop new habits and behaviours...
- learn new tools to break through obstacles in your path...
- create a step by step plan that empowers your key areas of life…
- hire a life coach, business mentor or another expert that can accelerate your success…
- live life on your terms, with limits defined by you...
Many of you reading this blog intuitively know that New Year’s resolutions are the perfect opportunity to start making the above-mentioned changes that you said you would make next week, next month, or perhaps when summer starts. Yet, the statistics show that very few of us stick to our New Year Resolution promises.
Doesn't this sound familiar. Weren't you telling yourself the same thing last year?
You attended workshops, read the books from best-selling authors, you worked hard to develop new skills, habits and maintain a positive mindset. But nothing stuck. And for some reason, nothing much changed. All of your momenta was lost before the second week of January.
Have you ever wondered why? Why does this happen every year when you so desperately need long-term change? Why does this happen every year when you work so hard to maintain momentum?
By the end of January, most people who book consultations with me tell me how they let things like social media distractions, self-doubt, fear, procrastination and feeling of not good enough creep back into their lives. They destroy their own progress because they're unclear and unsure of themselves and their own abilities.
Many of you set these amazing goals for yourselves that you're absolutely determined to hit. But then, when you sit down in January of each year to actually do the work, you...
- get SCARED...
- lose FOCUS...
- don’t have a PLAN…
- lack CLARITY of thought...
- DOUBT yourself...
- develop FEARS…
- start to PROCRASTINATE...
- stop BELIVING…
- start to feel LOST in your To-Do Lists and eventually you WITHDRAW…
But you won't let this happen to you again, right? NOT this year. NOT this decade. It's too important.
So how do you break this pattern? How do you stay focused on the things you actually want to accomplish without letting fear, self-doubt or lack of time get in the way?
Clarity, clarity, clarity!
Well, as we enter a new decade, it is a perfect opportunity to sit down and get clear of what is it true that you want. Preparing a list of important lifestyle changes you want to make can raise your game and supercharge your achievements in 2020.
You may already know I’ve spent the past eight years travelling the world speaking at events, teaching my five-day Vital Planning for Elevated Living life coaching and business mentoring accelerated learning workshop and consulting individuals like you so they can release blocks in their personal, professional and business life, and effectively design the life they wanted. I’ve worked with Entrepreneurs, CEOs, Celebrities, Founders, Leaders and professionals from all over the globe to help them consciously engineer their reality, rewire their brains and realign the energetic field through upgrading the body/mind/heart/soul connections in a number of ways through a series of conscious engineering processes, custom made exercises, activities, and activations. Through TJSeMethod: ALARM? twenty-five principles you can expect to clear yourself from anything that’s holding you back and feel a power awaken from deep within by the end of the day.
I’ve had the pleasure over the years to learn, teach and work with leaders such as Dr John Demartini, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Martin Brofman, Jack Canfield, Nick Nanton, Daniel Priestly to name a few. It equipped me with the most effective and efficient ways to help you unleash the freedom in your potential so you can supercharge your achievements.
Being the charitable and caring person, my late mother Ljutvije Selimi brought me up to be, I’ve decided to give you a bit of help – because since the majority of people fail to stick to their resolution, you’ll need all the help you can get.
What follows are five effective and proven principles you can use daily to raise your game, supercharge your achievements and change your life for the better and forever.
- Identify What You Want to Change and Why - There is a common misconception that you aren't achieving more because you don't have self-control, self-discipline and self-worthiness. While a degree of that statement may be true, what really holds you back from achieving more is a lack of clarity. Take a moment and write down your body’s ALARM of what is holding you back from getting what you want? What challenges are you facing in any of the key areas of life? See, if you know WHY you want to do something, the discipline naturally follows.
- Know the Pain and the Associated Pleasure – Often clients that I coach and mentor are blinded to the pleasures that come with behaviours, habits and actions that pain them and willingly they want to change. Unless you can see clearly how whatever that keeps you stuck is also in some way benefiting you, serving you, you won’t be able to create a breakthrough you are seeking. To move from that familiar zone into a new territory where change is possible you need to see both sides of any life situation. Make sure you stack up the benefits of why you want to raise your game. For instance, if you are looking to double your income, make sure you list all the benefits you can think of.
- Have an Inspired Vision, Mission and Purpose Statement- When you write things down, you are solidifying your wish in a material form. With time you get new knowledge, experience and wisdom. Make sure that you update, refine and incorporate your authentic values into your statement.
- Write your GOALS using the SMARTER model – Make them Specific, Measurable, Aligned to Your Values, Results-Focused, Timely, Empowering and Rewarding. What tends to happen is that many of you may pick a surface-level goal, and somewhere within the first two weeks, a self-limiting belief catches hold in your mind telling you to just give up. Once I had a client who told me his goal was to read one book a week, upon further questioning of why he wanted to read more books it became clear to him that in fact he wanted a better job, so he gets paid more and can provide for his family.
- Eliminate Low Priority Distractions from Your Life - even if it feels like you have no time to focus on delegating boring tasks, in the long term you will be thankful that you did. Get clear on your high and low priority tasks and associated actions. If you can do delegate the low priority ones asap, otherwise, make sure you know the benefits of doing them until you can afford to pay someone else to do them for you.
Using those five-principles regularly will add clarity to your New Year's resolutions and help you...
- Uncover Your Core Values
- Balance Your Skewed Perceptions
- Maintain a Strong Momentum
- Add Clarity to Your Goals
- Create the Time You Need to Focus on YOU and What You Truly Want.
?To help you on your journey to a raise your game, supercharge your achievements and create a prosperous 2020, email [email protected] to book yourself on my two-hour Breakthrough Clarity Coaching and Mentoring Session! Together we can help you get the clarity you need for the growth you seek in 2020 and beyond.
Love and Wisdom
Tony J. Selimi
p.s. Booking yourself on my five-day life and business optimising workshop Vital Planning for Elevated Living and let's help you get the clarity you need to have the best year ever. It is worth more than the investment you’ll make: Vital Planning is a remarkable private coaching and mentoring program that has caused revolutions of transformation for the hundreds of people who have invested in it throughout the years. So don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience what it's like to be mentored by me.
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