How To Keep Them Listening
Watch for the warning signs listeners are tuning out. Let's look at the symptoms.
Static. If they are whispering to each other look at them.Their neighbor will probably put an end to their chat.
Stop Talking. If you stop speaking the audience will direct their attention to you. They will wonder what you're going to say.
Address The Busy Body.“Bill, I’m coming to a point where I’ll need your thoughts.”
Puzzled Looks. If your audience looks confused they probably don't understand what you're saying. Recap in simpler terms.
Use An “Interpreter.” Ask someone to explain what you just said.
Props. Use a blackboard or a flip chart to post the points you're making.
Sleepy Audience. Very the pitch of your voice. Speak louder for a few minutes and then softer.
Humor. If you can tell a joke effectively use this skill. Laughter wakes people up.
Utilizing The General Question. Who can tell me what we did last year regarding this matter?
Plain Speaking. Avoid jargon.
Eye To Eye. Look directly at the person you're speaking to. One remark to one person. Move your questions around the audience.
Clockwatchers. Let them know you are aware of the time and you are going to review your key points. Ask for their forgiveness. They will forgive you.
Give Them A Break. Not five minutes. Make it ten.
Do The Unexpected To Wrap Up. This is a perfect time to pull a yo-yo out of your pocket and shoot it out straight at the audience. They'll love it