How to keep our imaginations fertile as the days get darker...
2nd November 2022 / sun up by Anna B. Sexton

How to keep our imaginations fertile as the days get darker...

The darker days are dipping now in the Northern hemisphere so finding the 'available' light is a real thing.

Today's question that percolated up whilst taking a walk was "How to keep our imaginations fertile as the days get darker?"

A good question for me working from home, often in front of the screen, and as the light in the days gets shorter, how can I keep my imagination fertile?

What it looked like today was going to do some clearing on the allotment to keep my hand with tending to the beds and paths. It was cold, windy & all change in the sky.

How we are sourced as the season's change evolves, if we have the chance to listen in and let those questions, hunches, and niggles lead us on. Can we allow ourselves to go down into a darker, quieter, more fertile place even whilst continuing to move forward?

This is the time in nature when the seeds are in the ground, buried, fermenting... so even if it looks like not much is happening, it is.

Still more questions than answers, but maybe that's the point... simmer with the questions and see what bubbles up?

Off to put the kettle on for nice warm cuppa. You?


