How To Keep From Getting Fired Up

How To Keep From Getting Fired Up

The social media world is so volatile right now. 2020 has been one heated topic after another and if you're like me - it's just an emotional overload. I don't often share what I write in my emails on social media but this one hit a chord with so many people that I thought there was such value in sharing it with everyone.

Here's a few tips on how to keep from getting fired up by the world around you.

Walk Away - If I read or hear something that makes my blood pressure start going up, the first thing I do is walk away as soon as I’m able to. I disengage from it so that I can come back when my response is rational, not reactive. I know that firing off an emotional comeback won’t help my cause or the situation.

Circle of Control - Realize there is only so much within your circle of control. You can’t control how others will think, feel, or act. No matter how right you know you are, you’ll still be wrong to someone else. What you can control is what you allow into your circle. That means you can hide people from your news feed, stay off social media, and choose where you turn for your information and resources. You can also set boundaries on what topics you’ll even discuss with others.

Go Back To The Source - One of the best ways to protect yourself and your emotions is to turn back to the completely unemotional facts. So whether it’s fact-checking an article you read or looking up a medical study to support your line of thinking, you can always turn back to science and the facts to bring you down from being fired up. I find that once I do that, I don’t even feel a need to argue against what fired me up because it’s enough to just have reassured myself


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