How to? Keep a Clear Head When Everyone Else is Losing Theirs

How to? Keep a Clear Head When Everyone Else is Losing Theirs

Our brains are wired to be more reactionary under stress. We tend to counter our anxiety with knee jerk reactions.

How do you keep a clear head when everyone else is losing theirs?

Here are some of the things you need to know, or be reminded of, that will hopefully help you deal with extreme levels of stress in your personal and professional life.

Let's start with the principle of Causality. The combination of action and reaction. One event is the direct cause of another. Good cause good effect. Bad cause bad effect.

Stress is an effect the result of a cause. It is a negative feeling of emotional or physical tension. An overload of stress brings out the worst in everyone causing strained relationships, poor decisions, lower performance and affects every level of our lives. How we think, feel, behave and how our body works.

We are all susceptible to catching the emotional state of others. Emotions both positive and negative are contagious. Negative emotions are stronger and spread quicker than positive emotions. People “catch” each other’s feelings which influence our moods without having a clue of what is going on.

Choose and Radiate Your Halo of Influence

"Our ability to choose one thought over another is," according to William James, "the greatest weapon against stress."

Recognize: We get what we focus on. Our thoughts are the connecting link between the formed and the unformed world.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you” James Allen

Begin today choosing and mentally accepting one positive thought over a negative one.

There has never been a more important time for you to keep your mind on what it is that you want and off what you don’t want. Focus on your desires not your fears.

You have the power to manage your emotions and the emotions that you want to spread. Consciously, boldly and deliberately turn your thoughts away from fear and uncertainty and focus on health, prosperity and happiness for yourself and all humankind.

Choose the words the right words to say when you talk to yourself. I wrote these affirmations many years ago to help me stay cool when I was under a great deal of stress. They helped me and can hopefully help ease your stress and tension too. Mentally or audibly repeat each statement, accept each one as being true and feel the energy and empowerment that arises with your acceptance. 

Understanding the principle of causality “Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; Bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.”

Learning to protect yourself from negative emotional contagion through "What you say when you talk to yourself."

Finally to create Positive Emotional Contagion I recommend that you use William James "as if " principle.

Actions trigger feelings just like feelings trigger actions. If you act "as if " you have a quality you will assume that quality.

Act enthusiastic and you will feel enthusiastic!

Act confident and you will begin to feel more confident.

When people around you are "losing their heads" Act calm and you will feel calm.

When you are feeling worried and fearful give yourself the self command,

"Be Courageous...Be Courageous " If you act courageous you will feel courageous.

Self control is strength Right thought is mastery, Calmness is power.” James Allen

I hope that you have found this meaningful.

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Until next time, bye for now.

All the best James Knight

Norm Erwin

Consultant - Sales, Service & Projects

4 年

I usually default to see the negative side of things. I have seen this in others, most particularly in my long since past away aunts an uncles from my mothers side. She came from a family of 13 brothers and sisters. One of my uncles who married into the family called it "the meat counter look". James Knights have inspired me to practice positive behavior.

Mark Rogers-Evans, Ph.D.

Pharmaceuticals, Sustainability & Communications Coach

4 年

Excellent article, particularly "Focus on your desires not your fears."



