The wisdom of the fathers
?Guard the thoughts. Keep the mind full of thoughts of God and holy things. Dr. Simpson well says: "If we would be kept we must jealously guard our hearts and thoughts, and not feel ourselves at liberty to drift into the current of all the imaginations that are ever ready to sweep through the brain. If you are walking closely with God and watching for his voice, you will be quickly conscious of a constraint, a weight upon your mind, a repression upon your heart, a deep, tender sense of God's anxiety for his child."?Cherish and cultivate that sense of nearness to God, and welcome only the thoughts that would be agreeable to him.?
Associate with holiness people. However they may differ from each other in rank and social position, true holiness people will find themselves knit together by a tender and holy tie, -- their common likeness to their Saviour. Seek your intimate companionships not among Christ-less unbelievers, nor among carnally minded, worldly professors of religion, but among those who, like yourself, are trying to live and walk with God. In such a spirit Moses turned his back upon the court of Egypt to associate with slaves because they were the people of God.?
The neglect of holiness people to assemble themselves together for mutual counsel and encouragement, and to help each other by sympathy and prayer, would be attended with great loss. Unite yourselves with people who are friendly to holiness, and go to the assemblies where it is taught and sought in prayer.?
Read holiness literature. The author can not tell his indebtedness to the writers on this subject and to the friends who have put into his hands the books quoted in this volume. Their spiritual helpfulness have been beyond measure. He is simply amazed that he could have been in the ministry so long and collected a library of a thousand volumes, and yet missed this blessedly helpful literature. Read these books and holiness periodicals. Keep your interest keen and your spirits refreshed with the best thoughts and experiences of others. Thus your hearts will be kept aglow and your minds enthused with these deep things of God, these holiest, highest privileges of his sons and daughters. Sanctification can not be fed alone on the filth of daily papers and live.?
(from "Holiness and Power" by Aaron Merritt Hills)