How to Jump Timelines
Chris Pinckley
Keynote Speaker | Coach & Confidente to CEO's, Founders, Artists, & Athletes | Creating Breakthroughs in Leadership & Performance utilizing the Quantum Model of Reality
What is Timeline Jumping?
Timeline jumping has its origins in the concept of quantum jumping. This is when you’re able to connect with an alternate, potential probable reality. I never much cared for the term 'quantum jumping' as it didn’t fully explain how to perform the act as well as gave it a bit of a ‘woo woo’ name, in my opinion.
I much prefer to discuss timeline jumping, which is where you utilize mind/body science to connect to any number of potential probable realities within reach of your localized quantum bubble of reality.
We are constantly influencing the quantum field of pure potentiality through the focus of our attention. Science has proven that whatever we focus our attention upon will be influenced and potentially altered by the very same.
Your focus of attention creates an immediate effect within your localized quantum bubble of influence. Then, there is the indirect effect, upon the greater field itself. This indirect effect, the influence of your energy upon the greater quantum field, can only be accomplished with consistent mental focus facilitated by absolute will power.
Nothing less will do.
How it Is Accomplished
In any given moment, you are surrounded by infinite potential realities and, more specifically,?several potential probable realities. The potential probable realities are the ones that have the potential to jump off at any minute, meaning they are within immediate reach of the focus of your consciousness.
These are the realities that can happen by simply changing your mind about the direction you drive to work or the random person you decide to talk to that day. All it takes is a bit of focusing your attention and energy and you can access any of these potential probable realities.
The difference is that, generally speaking, the reality that you would wish to experience, is only a potential reality and has not yet been upregulated to a potential probable reality. That is unless you’ve been really mentally focusing your energy, uninterrupted or distracted, over a longer period of time.
Most people are either unaware of what it takes or lack the mental discipline to connect with their desired timeline using this process. This is because it requires a level of mental discipline that is considered well above average or normal in relation to our current societal standards.
However, if you’re able to consistently, on a daily basis, mentally focus on visualizing and feeling your potential reality, as if you were already living it, then it would become upregulated to a potential probable reality. This means that your desired timeline is now within striking distance of being able to manifest in or as your physical reality.
Where Most People Go Wrong
The first thing to understand is that I’m not asking you to quit engaging with your physical reality. Yet, many people will relegate this exercise or ability to some sort of esoteric nonsense because they feel like I’m asking them to believe in magic. This reality couldn’t be further from the truth. This is the science of creation, this is how everything comes into being.
The question is: do you want to take years and years to build the reality that you want, or would you like to cut straight to it and focus on what you really want to see happen in your life?
People have a tendency to go ‘all or nothing’ which rarely works with anything in life. They’re either all action, with no mental focus on visualizing and feeling the outcome, or they sit on the couch and meditate all day meanwhile wondering why their life doesn’t get better.
The Integral Balance
So, to be effective with this exercise, you need to strike a balance in your life. This means, you continue the action of physically building your business, art, startup, concept, idea, etc. In the meantime, you pick three times in the day where you consciously focus on the timeline you want to connect with.
You stop what you’re doing, close the eyes, take a deep breath and begin.
Visualize several things that you would be experiencing if you’re goal or objective were realized and successful, how would it change your life?
Next, feel into this: what would that feel like? The people, places, situations, that you would find yourself in. If you were living this, how would it feel to you?
Do not bring corrections or fixes into this. You only bring in and connect to the result of having it all go exactly the way you want.
Stay with this anywhere from one to five minutes, no more. In other words, you get in and then you get out. It should not be laborious, but easy and relaxed.
Do this two or three times/day, every day.
Then you let it go and continue working and building your goal.
When and if new doors open that seem to be what we refer to as ‘synchronous’ then you are prepared and ready to walk through them.
Doing this exercise, performed with confidence and consistency, can and will change everything for you. You do need to be consistent and you do need to allow it to unfold in its own way. But, what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing.
So, get to work!
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