How To Jump Start Momentum In Your Small Biz
?was almost fired from my free coaching job this week... hahaha! I have a Realtor friend that I started meeting with once a month a few months ago. She had stalled in her business and didn't have much of an idea how to get it started again.
Over the last few months we put a plan in place, she started speaking, reaching out to past clients and following up on leads she had gotten. And BAM... now she is busy again and not sure she needs me anymore... my work here is done!
This happens everywhere.... I have been focusing on my Shopify store and ignoring my Etsy store. Views have slowed because I haven't been minding it and now I have to work to get it started again.... fair enough!
EVERYONE'S business works this way! Sometimes we are as busy as a one armed paper hanger and other times there are tumble weeds rolling through our bank accounts... sigh.
So what is the difference?!?!!?
Sometimes it is out of our control like July... July is the bane of my existence.... all those people in the US not reading my blog posts or shopping online... stupid summer! Or like when there is a pandemic and it slows your sales or when there is inflation... those are real challenges we have to acknowledge!
But there is also momentum that can help you start chugging along again!
Not to be super nerdy, but I love Physics.... especially the law of inertia! Here is the real definition... "a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force."
So in real terms... if your biz has slowed or stopped it will continue in that state until something changes.
Conversely though, once you get it going it becomes a fire that is hard to put out!! WHOO WHOO!!!
me starting up my biz again!
So what can you do to shake things up and get started again?!?!?!
Step One... the?next babiest step ?is my go to!?When I am stuck EVERYTHING seems insurmountable so I figure out what the next tiniest thing I can do to get going!
Step Two... make a plan!?Once you have done anything, your brain will start to get good ideas about how to get going again and there is a chance you will want to DO ALL THE THINGS at once. My go to at this point is to phone a friend, tell them all the things that I have in mind and ask what I should do first. I honestly cannot be trusted to make good decisions when my entrepreneur brain is on fire!
Step Three... do something every day!?I am definitely the turtle in the tortoise and the hare story... I can execute year long plans and know that what I do today is going to benefit me in a year, but that has only come over time. If you are just starting to learn this, it is hard to think that one little thing today can help the big picture, but it can!
So now you!
Are you on fire already? Just keep that inertia going baby!
But if you need a nudge to get back into action, maybe this is it! Email me back and tell me your next baby step!!! You are 1742% more likely to do it if you tell me!?(I made up that statistic, but I do know that telling someone you are going to do something makes it more likely you will ACTUALLY do it!)
Hope this helps!