How Jose-Alonso Vega triumphed over a crippling autoimmune disease
President, The Rick’s Group Landscape Management?
Landscape management services
Atlanta, Georgia
Jose-Alonso Vega, 34, has always been “more of an outdoors guy than the office guy,” he says. His love for sunshine and open air is a natural plus for him as the owner of The Rick’s Group Landscape Management, a full-service landscaping company in the Atlanta area. His capacity to weather surprise storms has likewise been an invaluable asset.?
Nine years ago Vega was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease. He was blind for nearly a year, spending most of 2016 “in darkness” before he regained his sight. It was a difficult ordeal, one that helped light the way for his future as a small business owner.
“I couldn't see, but it literally opened my eyes to everything around me,” he said.
Backed By (Audio) Books?
Born in California, Vega grew up in the Atlanta area where his father began to instill in him a serious work ethic
When Vega’s health setback hit, he turned to business strategy books
“Audible was my best friend. I was just constantly listening to books,” he said. “I was raised in poverty, and I had to kind of restructure my brain and teach myself all over again.”
By the time his vision returned in 2017, Vega was determined to grow the roster of weekend accounts into a full-time business — a plan that his dad eagerly greenlit. It was time to “be fully committed” to something of his own. In July of 2018, he launched his company: The Rick’s Group, named after his father who got a percentage of the business. Today, the company handles lawn and shrub care, landscaping, irrigation, maintenance, and custom stonework.?
Leaving Comfort Behind
For small businesses like The Rick’s Group, which now has 16 employees and is split roughly 80/20 between commercial and individual residential accounts, the journey is never risk-free.?
“The biggest leap in the entire business was actually jumping into it,” said Vega, who’s married with three children. The prospect of saying goodbye to a full-time job and steady paycheck and hello to uncertainty was daunting.
But Vega quickly got into the business groove, carving out a name and reputation — and growing along the way by picking up new accounts and acquiring other landscaping businesses. The first acquisition cost around $42,000. It felt very risky, he acknowledged.?
“It’s scary. You're about to spend this money picking up these customers,” he said, adding that even with contracts there’s no guarantee of what the future will bring. Subsequent acquisitions have come easier, he said, because he’s learned to trust his instincts and experience.?
Vega’s client rate of growth has been around 24% per year.
“I work well under pressure,” he said. “It fits me naturally.”
Lessons For Small Business Owners
1. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Vega said that once fear takes over you, it’s impossible to see the best solution. He’s learned to use time, distance, and even some shuteye to shake fear.
“Sometimes it's as simple as taking a nap, waking up and rethinking the situation,” he said
2. Clouds do have silver linings. Sure, it sounds like a cliche, but it’s true. Not every negative business development is necessarily a totally bad thing, according to Vega. For example, a dispute with his landlord propelled him to move to a bigger space — something he knew the business needed but had been avoiding.?
3. Weigh each decision every which way. Small business owners make multiple decisions every day, and those decisions can have long-term reverberations.
“You have to be okay with the worst that could happen from that decision,” he said. “And the best thing that can happen from that decision.”
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