How to a job without any experience

Hey Folks!

I am Sriram Here I am going to give some tips to Get a Job without any experience as a fresher.

1.?Have a Positive Mindset

Don’t think that no one will hire you?Because today the most experienced person also started from zero. So don’t underestimate yourself. Establish a positive mindset and keep rocking on by just putting effort and focus only on your skills and providing the service in a professional way. You are an Idiosyncratic person. So develop a positive mindset. I had given a Ted Talk youtube video link to develop a positive mindset check it out when you are in your free time.

2.?Be Confident in your Skills

If you want to be a Full Stack Developer you should need to master all the skills which are required to become a Full Stack Developer. If you need to Learn Python Programming Language you should learn from basic to advanced levels to solve real-time problems.

3. Be adaptable and willing to learn

You should have a master’s in basic knowledge of that skill to be easily coachable by that client to understand their requirements. You should be flexible to adapt everything (If you don’t know any of the skill to complete the project then you should need to learn that)

4. Look for Experience

You need to mention that I am ready to expand my skills and I am ready to explore new possibilities. So I am applying for this position when you are talking to an Interviewer. It shows that you are passionate about something and now you are trying to make a career out of it and also it will show them that you are not an absolute fresher but someone who has not excluded the professional side of the skill you already have. For Example, If you want to do marketing, If you already have run a Facebook/Instagram page and ruin into a significant number of followers you have more experience than someone who is starting absolutely from scratch. A lot of a time people don’t realize that they have a skill because they didn’t think in that way. Once you realize that you need to add it to your CV to show that you are not an absolute fresher.

5.?Networking with People in your Industry

You should need to get connected with the right kind of people who belongs to your same industry and who will be your ideal clients or customers in Online or Offline. Online create an account on Linked In to get a more connections. Try to connect with 10 People daily by?cold emailing?them. Get a connection with them and ask them about their experience to reach that higher position. Sometimes they might need someone to work under them they might have an extra client that they will refer to someone else so if they know you they may refer you to that client. It is the interconnected network of referrals that becomes very advances our career online.

6. Work for free to gain experience

Work for free to the reputed people(Search them on Linked In and make sure that they are a good person)/companies who have a proper website because they have many clients. Working for them without charging them for at most 7 days is enough to gain experience. If you try it for 3 to 5 Companies then After that they will pay you. Don’t pay anyone to hire you it is a scam.

7. Make an Impressive CV and Portfolio

Start creating your CV which is more impressive and update it frequently (Mention your Communication skills too because it is the most important). And also have your own website with your name as the domain can help ensure they see what you want them to. By creating your own website you are allowing yourself the opportunity to create a home for your personal brand online and all your content. Your personal website will act as the hub of your digital footprint, working in conjunction with your other social media profiles.

8. Join a Discord Server

There will be a large community in a discord server to clear the doubts and get a referral. They say that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. Well, when trying to boost your career, why not spend time interacting with like-minded people in a community. Countless online communities and meetup groups covering every topic imaginable. Somewhere, there is a group perfect for you where you can learn from others, and others can learn from you.


Follow these tips to get a job by applying for at least 10 Jobs per day in Naukri and Linked In. It is going to be hard. So patience is very important. So definitely you are going to get a job within 2 to 3 months.

Thank you for spending your precious time to read my article.


