How the job market really works

How the job market really works


The Mr Job Tracker Job Search Learning and Coaching Program. (Resume writing, interviews, everything your Job Search needs) Helping you to get the job you want .... faster. Mr Job Tracker (


Understanding how the job market works and the various ways that people find jobs and employers find people is useful groundwork to building your unique plan of attack. ? This is important because it helps you understand where you should spend your time with your job search and helps you to avoid wasting time on unproductive activities. People find jobs in many ways and the majority of those are described below with a brief explanation.

Responding to Job Advertisements Most?job?advertisements now appear on the internet via?job?boards and other means. Social media advertising is a small but increasing channel through which jobs are advertised. Employers might advertise on their websites and larger employers in particular offer you the opportunity to put your resume into their database in case suitable jobs might appear in the future.

Recruitment Consultants, Headhunters and Agencies. Despite the power that technology has given employers to be effective in attracting candidates, the recruitment consulting industry is still a substantial part of the?job?market. But their?market?penetration varies across different industries,?job?types and geographies. They might advertize both on their own websites and on the major recruitment platforms. Headhunters (or Executive Search Consultants) will sometimes advertize but mostly they do their work through networking and search activity.

Networking. In the context of?job?search, networking is the process of talking to people in order to build a wide range of contacts to eventually meet someone who can influence your future employment. Networking is consistently underrated by candidates as an effective means of finding new jobs. ? If you put effort into your networking activities, it can make a significant contribution to your job search effectiveness. A generation ago, networking was done by phone and face-to-face meetings. While that is still the case, if used correctly, technology can also significantly improve your networking outcomes.

Direct Approach This includes identifying a list of potential employers (whether or not they have current vacancies) and making a direct approach. More effective than many people might think.

Being Found via Databases. Here you are listing your profile (background, skills, achievements and experience) on websites such as LinkedIn, in order that potential employers can find you within those databases. This means of connecting employers with employees has increased significantly over the past few years. A substantial amount of recruitment goes on this way without advertisements being run at all. Contracting, Consulting and Temporary Work Assignments. Short or medium term fixed assignments are an important and growing part of the?job?market?at every level of seniority. Contracting can be an end in itself. For example, I know people who have gone from contract to contract over a number of years and found this to be a very fulfilling pathway. In addition, in my experience, around 10 percent of contracts eventually convert into full-time employment.

What You Need to Do: There are a variety of means through which you can obtain your next career move and these all deserve your attention. For any individual there will need to be a unique emphasis placed on various aspects of the?job?search strategy in consideration of their objectives, skill type and industry characteristics. ? To make the most of your job search I recommend you think about these different methods and allocate the time you spend on your job search according to where you think will be most productively spent. ? PS: The biggest mistake I see people make is to rely solely on advertised jobs and not put enough effort into networking and the other channels described above which, if done well, can be highly effective. ? I hope you will find this useful.? That’s all for now? ….? Have a great week.???????????????????????????????????? Phillip Powell


The Mr Job Tracker Job Search Learning and Coaching Program. (Resume writing, interviews, everything your Job Search needs) Helping you to get the job you want .... faster. Mr Job Tracker (


#Jobsearch #jobseekersupport #resume #salarynegotiations #jobinterviewtips

Haroon Rana

Business Scaling @LAAM | Driving Laam's Supply Growth Through Strategic Mapping

1 年

Some really helpful stuff Phillip Powell

Leon A Mann

Licensed Full Service LinkedIn Financial Strategist Providing Unbiased Real Solutions to Building Your Wealth.

1 年

Great initiative Phillip especially in a highly competitive market the more we stand out the better ??

Chris Hogg

I help individuals (especially Veterans) develop the ability to make informed, self-directed career decisions, and to conduct effective employment searches ... chrishogg_linkedin(at)

1 年

Very nice list, very helpful

